The Clean Code module integrates GrumPHP into Drupal project to enforce coding standards and perform code quality checks. It provides Drush commands to generate and manage GrumPHP configuration, ensuring your codebase stays clean and adheres to best practices.
- Automated code quality checks using GrumPHP.
- Drush commands for generating GrumPHP configuration.
- Composer package management for GrumPHP tasks.
- Integration with Git pre-commit hooks.
- Saves GrumPHP results to a log file.
Add the module via Composer:
composer require drupal/clean_code
Enable the module:
drush en clean_code
Generate GrumPHP Configuration and Install Packages:
- Command:
drush clean_code:generate-install
- Alias:
drush ccgi
- Example:
drush clean_code:generate-install
- Command:
Run GrumPHP Checks:
- Command:
drush clean_code:check
- Aliases:
drush clc:check
,drush code:check
- Examples:
drush clean_code:check drush clean_code:check --tasks=phpcs,phplint
- Command:
Generate GrumPHP Configuration Without Installing Packages (Override):
- Command:
drush clean_code:generate-no-install
- Alias:
drush ccgni
- Example:
drush clean_code:generate-no-install
- Command:
GrumPHP tasks available for code checks:
- git_blacklist: Ensure no blacklisted files are committed.
- git_branch_name: Validate branch names.
- git_commit_message: Validate commit message format.
- phpcs: Enforce PHP coding standards (PHP CodeSniffer).
- phplint: Perform PHP lint checks for syntax errors.
- phpmd: Detect code smells using PHP Mess Detector.
- phpstan: Analyze PHP code with PHPStan.
- phpunit: Run PHPUnit tests.
- twigcs: Check Twig templates for coding standards.
- yamllint: Lint YAML files for syntax and style issues.
- jsonlint: Lint JSON files for syntax correctness.
- security-checker: Check project dependencies for security vulnerabilities.
This is how to fix it:
- Navigate to the Git hooks directory:
cd .git/hooks
vim pre-commit
add '< /dev/tty'
# Grumphp env vars
export GRUMPHP_GIT_WORKING_DIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
# Run GrumPHP
(cd "./" && printf "%s\n" "${DIFF}" | exec 'vendor/bin/grumphp' 'git:pre-commit' '--skip-success-output' < /dev/tty)
use drush ccgi
to install the necessary packages and set up the GrumPHP configuration file:
drush ccgi
Use drush ccgni
to edit the GrumPHP configuration file. This file allows you to configure which tasks to run, task-specific options, and more.
drush ccgni
This module is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.