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Elastic stack air-gapped installation on Google Cloud Platform

This repository contains the scripts and configurations to run an offline deployment of Elastic stack.

Quick start guide

Deployment prerequisites

  1. Elastic services (elasticsearch + logstash + kibana) rpm packages.

    Elastic RPM packages can be downloaded by running the script included in the assets folder or from the following pages:

  2. Logstash also requires 2 plugins (logstash-input-google_pubsub + logstash-filter-mutate) to ship Pub/Sub messages to logstash.

    Use the packaged file ( with the plugins in the assets folder OR prepare one following these steps:

    • Make sure you have a Logstash server running
    • Install the packages on the existing Logstash server: bin/logtash-plugin install logstash-input-google_pubsub logstash-filter-mutate
    • Package the plugins to be used on systems that don't have internet access: bin/logstash-plugin prepare-offline-pack --output --overwrite logstash-input-google_pubsub logstash-filter-mutate
  3. The Java Runtime Environment rpm package can be downloaded from the following page:

Then push all those files to a GCS Storage bucket:


server@centos:~/elastic-airgap$ gsutil ls gs://mesotest/centos
gs://mesotest/centos/elasticsearch-7.9.3-x86_64.rpm       # elasticsearch package
gs://mesotest/centos/kibana-7.9.3-x86_64.rpm              # kibana package
gs://mesotest/centos/logstash-7.9.3.rpm                   # logstash package
gs://mesotest/centos/   # logstash plugins
gs://mesotest/centos/jre-8u271-linux-x64.tar.gz           # java runtime environment


Clone the elastic-airgap github repository and modify the variables file terraform.tfvars with the appropriate values:


project_id = "mesoform-testing                                       # project id
service_account_email = "[email protected]"  # service account email
public_key_path = "~/.ssh/"                                # auth public rsa key
bucket_path = "gs://mesotest/centos"                                 # gcs bucket where offline elastic+java packages are stored

network_prefix = "elastic-stack"                                     # networking resources prefix (net/subnet/firewall)
compute_region = "europe-west2"                                      # region to create resources
instance_zone = "europe-west2-b"                                     # zone to create compute instances
elasticsearch_machine_type = "e2-medium"                             # Elasticsearch instance machine type
kibana_machine_type = "e2-medium"                                    # Kibana instance machine type
logstash_machine_type = "e2-medium"                                  # Logstash instance machine type

secure_source_ip = "123.45.678.90/32"                                # any secure ip to access http and ssh on resources. e.g: your public IP address

topic_name = "topic-mesoform-testing"                                # existing topic to export logging to logstash
subscription_name = "subscription-mesoform-testing"                  # existing subscription to export logging to logstash

elastic_pwd = "e1l2a3s4t5i6c"                                        # password for built-in elastic users (kibana_system/elastic)
  • Authenticate to GCP. The user account needs the following IAM roles on the project: "Compute Admin" / "Compute Instance Admin (v1)" / "Storage Admin" and role "Service Account User" on the service account.

    gcloud auth application-default login --no-launch-browser

  • To deploy resources initialise terraform and apply the changes:

    $ cd elastic-airgap/

    $ terraform12.28 init

    $ terraform12.28 apply

Access Kibana UI

Get Kibana public IP either from the Terraform output, from the Compute menu on the GCP console or by running the following command: $ gcloud compute instances list

Kibana UI can be accessed on a browser using the public Kibana server IP on port 5601 using elastic user and password.

Note: Kibana UI could take a few minutes to be up and running.

Visualise logging data on Kibana

  1. On the home menu: Go to [Visualize and Explore Data] Dashboard > Index patterns + Create index pattern

  2. Define index pattern using pubsub-* which should the first word from the source index.

  3. Select a primary time field for use with the global time filter: @timestamp and then create the index pattern.

  4. Go back to the main menu and click on [Visualize and Explore Data] Discover to explore the data.

Elastic security

  1. On the home menu: Go to [Manage and Administer the Elastic Stack] Security Settings > Kibana Advance Settings

  2. Scroll down to [Security Solution] settings and on Elasticsearch indices update default securitySolution:defaultIndex by adding pubsub-* to the list. That way Elastic Security app will use that index pattern to collect data.

  3. Go back to the main menu and click on [Visualize and Explore Data] Security to explore the data under the events tab.



Elastic stack air-gapped installation






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