A minimal shoulda DSL built on top of MiniTest::Spec. MiniTest is the future, and we should all be using it! No pun. The MiniShoulda gem is a simple set of alias built on top of MiniTest so that we can use basic shoulda syntax. A simple example says it all.
class MyTestClass < MiniTest::Spec setup do @object = Object.new end teardown do @object.freeze end should 'find object' do assert @object refute_instance_of Object, @object end should_eventually 'works too' do refute true, 'will use skip and not run' end context 'with another context' do setup do @object = [1,2,3] end should 'just work' do assert_includes @object, 2 end end end
$ gem install mini_shoulda
It is not my goal to implement all the ActiveRecord macros nor things like should_have_db_columns :)
Not really. MiniShoulda is built on top of the existing MiniTest::Spec methods. Basically they are just a series of aliases to those methods. Our only monkey patch is in MiniTest’s Kernel#describe method so you can maintain class scope in your own test cases. Please help me lobby the MiniTest team to get that patch in.