This tool allows you to configure your Open API definitions for IBM API Connect.
API Connect forces you to enter your secretes and other properties to be in the API definitions. This tool allows you to have a seperate properties file for each env so that you can run the tool before deploying your APIs.
Also, logging into API Connect form command line requires entering password etc. The tool allows putting this info into a conf file so it is not visible to the eye.
$ apic-ops
Usage: apic-ops [options] [command]
APIC ops tool
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
configure-folder|d [folder] configure properties for files in the folder
configure-file|f [file] configure properties of the file
login|l login to api connect server
publish|p [product] publish the product
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
$ apic-ops l -c staging.apiconnect.conf.yaml
Logging into apiconnect.myorg...
$ apic-ops d /apis -c
Configuring ymls in /apis
written to: /apis/accounts_1.0.0.yaml
written to: /apis/campaigns-product_1.0.0.yaml
$ apic-ops p my_product_1.0.0.yaml -c staging.apiconnect.conf.yaml
apic products:publish my_product_1.0.0.yaml --organization myorg --server apiconnect.myorg --catalog sb
This is an example file that contains properties to be changed.
username: user
password: pass
secret: lAnNBejC8Mg==
code: bQIsvOy5LxNzuW
This is an example file that contains information for apiconnect instance and catalog.
organization: myorg
server: apiconnect.myorg
catalog: sb
username: uname
password: PWD
apiconnect is not added as a dependency. IT is assumed that you have already installed it in your system globally.
- Clone the repo
- cd to the root folder
- run
npm intall -g
- run
npm link