Take your own passport photo using your webcam
A plugin for the MyBB forum software that shows which threads have had the most posts in a given period (recent or otherwise).
This keeps a record of a users IP history as they use the website. This is useful for auditing fraud/ban evaders/general/when people start using VPNS/Proxys during their user activity. It can recor…
Adds the ability to restore posts and threads to the Mod CP of your MyBB Forum
A plugin for MyBB that allows you to view the error log without logging into FTP.
Anti-Adblock Killer helps you keep your Ad-Blocker active, when you visit a website and it asks you to disable.
🐍🎮 pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, Ope…
Reimplementation of portions of the pygame API using SDL2.
animation helper for pygame projects (and more!)
A working Python API system for Valve's Steamworks.
Patched version of this ralink driver to handle sk_buff structures properly on 64-bit systems
A few examples of how to use the PyTMX library
A conversion of PlayfulJS's javascript raycaster into Python/Pygame
Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON
Python library to read Tiled Map Editor's TMX maps.