- Lazy load pages and deep-linking
- Shared and Core modules
- Folder structure: module by feature
- Unit and e2e tests
- Continuous integration with Travis CI
- Shorten TypeScript Imports using custom namespace
- Automated dependency updates with Greenkeeper
- Interface
- Back navigation
- Routing and navigation
- Generate data provider and mockup
- HttpClient
- HttpInterceptor
- Caching Http response with Etag
- Angular.io: Caching
- Testing HTTP requests
- https://github.com/johnpapa/pwa-angular
- https://angular.io/guide/service-worker-intro
- https://moduscreate.com/blog/creating-progressive-web-apps-using-angular/
- https://medium.com/@nsmirnova/creating-pwa-with-angular-5-part-2-progressifying-the-application-449e3a706129
- Vlado Tesanovic: The PRPL Pattern for Progressive Web Applications using Angular 6+
- Matt Raible: Angular and Angular CLI Tutorial: Search and edit App
- Indermohan Singh: Ionic 4 Beta: What’s New and Building a Sample App
- github.com/angular/angular-cli: stories continuous integration
- Ionic project: Continuous Integration with Travis for gh-pages
- continuous integration | angular cli + firebase + travis ci
- Continuous everything with Angular, Travis CI, Firebase and Greenkeeper
- Continuous Integration for Angular Projects with TravisCI
- Continuous Deployment for Ionic 2 to Firebase Hosting
npm run lint
Using Travis-CI to Run Your Ionic Unit Tests
An Angular app’s file structure can be relatively deep, making it difficult to figure out where a module lives when importing it. The idea is to make your import paths go from ../../../../
to @namespace
TypeScript compiler supports the declaration of mappings using "paths" property in tsconfig.json
files. Using TypeScript path mapping make import statements in your Angular app shorter and much more developer-friendly
// tsconfig.json in the root dir
"compileOnSave": false,
"compilerOptions": {
// omitted...
"baseUrl": "src",
"paths": {
"@core/*": ["app/core/*"],
"@shared/*": ["app/shared/*"],
"@items/*": ["app/items/*"]
"@env/*": ["environments/*"]
Then instead of
// import from component.ts
import { MyService } from '../../../core/api.service';
we can use custom namespace @core
declared on tsconfig.json
to use following import:
// import from component.ts
import { MyService } from '@core/services/api.service';
More details
Adding PreloadAllModules
strategy on your RouterModule
, you can preload all of the modules in the background asynchronously. This will help boost up the loading time and performance tremendously.
You can also ceate your own preloading strategy by implementing its PreloadingStrategy