Meveo is a platform that allow to develop and execute enterprise back and front applications. Watch an introduction video
It allow you to create and deploy at runtime with fine grained security :
- Data model, putting part of your entities in RDBMS, Neo4j, Infinispan, Elastic search
- Business logic (functions in java, js, python with management of their dependencies)
- API (REST, websocket)
- Notifications (triggering emails, webhooks, custom function ..)
- Workflows
- Tests
Speeding up the conception of apps.
It is intended to be run by Wildfly 18 with full Jakarta EE stack under licence : AGPLv3.0
Frontend framework
Fontend kitchensink demo for a demo of all the web components.
Installation on a wildfly instance
Module development Installation)
- Security [Monitoring](./meveo-api/src/main/java/org/meveo/api/rest/monitoring/
Meveo can be deployed in a wildfly cluster to scale its capabilities. Infinispan cache can be replicated/distributed/scaterred among nodes. A JMS topic is used to publish events to the cluster nodes.
On a started instance, go to /meveo/api/rest/swagger.json or /meveo/api/rest/swagger.yaml
When encountering persistence errors you might have to connect to the DB container then to postgres:
docker exec -it postgres bash
psql meveo meveo
meveo=#\d //to list the tables
meveo=#drop table myentity;
meveo=#drop sequence myentity_seq;
meveo=#^Z //ctrl+Z
- The simplest solution is to uninstall / re-install all the modules
- If the uninstall is not possible without data loss, move your git/Meveo/src/main/java folder to git/Meveo/facets/java