Simple scraper using selenium to run a trademark clearance search on the USPTO website. Pulls out Goods & Services data, serial numbers, and word marks for all entries, then saves in a .csv file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Selenium
- Requests
- You must download the appropriate selenium chrome webdriver - (incl. is chrome 87). You can find chrome webdrivers here.
- Python 3.8
- Run the file from terminal:
- Enter your search term. Note: Can't be empty.
- Sit back and relax
Only tested on windows 10 (version 10.0.18363)
- Iterate over data table only once, pulling out data as you go, for significant speed improvement.
- Append an existing .csv file rather than dump all data from pandas dataframe at the end - in case the browser window closes, all data is lost.
- Add a list of filter terms for the G&S text to pull out relevant entries - e.g., 'media' or 'video games'