Tags: mexn/scss-lint
0.50.0 New Features * Add `SpaceAfterComment` which checks for spacing after comment literal Changes * Drop support for Ruby 1.9.3 * `Shorthand` linter will now forbid the use of shorthand properties if `allowed_shorthands` option is set to an empty list * Change Rake task to respect `scss_files` option if no explicit files are specified Bug Fixes * Fix `scss_files` option to accept an array of patterns * Fix `--exclude-linter` flag * Fix `ColorKeyword` linter to allow color keywords to be used as arguments in `map-*`-related function calls * Fix `SpaceAfterComma` linter to report correct column number * Fix `PrivateNamingConvention` to consider functions/mixins used inside other functions/mixins * Fix `Shorthand` to not report shorthanded values with `!important` as having a shorthand length not specified in `allowed_shorthands` * Fix `UnnecessaryMantissa` to ignore decimal values in URL literals * Fix `PlaceholderInExtend` to report comma sequences starting with a placeholder * Fix `StringQuotes` linter to ignore `@charset` directives since they must [_always_ use double quotes](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#charset-rule)
0.49.0 New Features * Add `background-clip` and `clip` to `smacss` preset sort order * Add `LengthVariable` linter for reporting when variables should be used instead of literal lengths Changes * Increase minimum required `sass` gem version to 3.4.20+ * Modify `Shorthand` linter to report lint if a shorthand of a length not specified in the `allowed_shorthands` option is used * Ignore SCSS functions in `NameFormat` linter * Update default formatter to output column number in addition to line number * Wrap `@`-declaratives in backticks in lint messages Bug Fixes * Fix `PropertySortOrder` `separate_groups` option to work for preset sort orders * Fix `TrailingZero` to report correct lint messages for values with multiple trailing zeros
0.48.0 * Relax `rake` gem dependency to allow 11.x.x versions * Add `linear-gradient` to `NameFormat` whitelist * Fix `DisableLinterReason` not reporting inline disable comments on a line following a comment line * Add `Stats` `--format` option to output list of linter types ordered by the number of occurrences
0.46.0 * Add `ignore_consecutive` option to the `DuplicateProperty` linter, allowing duplicate consecutive properties. It accepts `true`, `false`, or a list of property names to be ignored. * Add `PrivateNamingConvention` linter which enforces that functions, mixins, and variables that follow the private naming convention (default to underscore-prefixed) are defined and used within the same file * Add TAP (Test Anything Protocol) formatter
0.45.0 * Add `outline-{color,style,width}` properties to `recess` sort order list * Fix `TrailingSemicolon` to not report false positives for single line list/map literals * Improve compatibility with files that use CRLF and CR for newlines. * Load `plugin_directories` relative to the config file itself * Fix bug in `SingleLinePerProperty` that prevented the linter from checking nested selectors * Add `SpaceAfterVariableColon` which checks for the spacing after a variable colon * Relax rake dependency version to allow >= 0.9 * Improve `BorderZero` by adding the offending border property to the lint description
0.44.0 * Add `--color` and `--no-color` options * Add `::content` and `::shadow` to list of elements recognized by `PseudoElement` * Fix `UnnecessaryParentReference` to not report selectors with multiple parent references * Add `background-attachment`, `transform-{box,origin,style}`, and `transform-{delay,duration,property,timing-function}` properties to SMACSS property sort order list * Add support for CSS Logical Properties to `PropertySpelling` * Add `initial` to list of special values in `VariableForProperty` * Add `::-webkit-full-page-media`, `::-webkit-search-decoration`, and `::-webkit-search-results-decoration` pseudo elements to `PseudoElement` * Add `backdrop-filter` to list of known properties * Fix `PropertySortOrder` to properly handle duplicated properties * Fix `NameFormat` to report incorrectly-named variables passed as function arguments * Add global `severity` option to allowing you to specify the default severity for all linters