An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
WordPress plugin for automatic code highlighting using the Prettify library. No shortcodes, no classnames, pure awesome.
Open-Shell / Open-Shell-Menu
Forked from coddec/Classic-ShellClassic Shell Reborn.
AmplitudeJS: Open Source HTML5 Web Audio Library. Design your web audio player, the way you want. No dependencies required.
the monaco font improved: add special characters in monaco.ttf
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
An icon taskbar for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash into the gnome main panel so that the application launchers and system tray are combined into a single panel, similar to that foun…
Ionic Wordpress starter app 😎. Learn how to communicate your ionic app with Wordpress REST API with this starter and detailed tutorial.
A rich text editor for everyday writing
My massive expansion pack for Game Dev Tycoon by Greenheart Games
Cross-browser storage for all use cases, used across the web.
A simple implementation of a multidomain nginx reverse proxy, using Node apps.
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
Ionic Adventures is all about a journey using the Ionic Framework
A collection of Cordova/Ionic/etc demos.
A project full of ionic 3 components and samples - to make life easier :)
An eCommerce App for WooCommerce stores using Ionic 3.
Fix ng2 attributes not being highlighted like other HTML attributes correctly
Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
A bare minimum demo for Component Lazy Loading in Angular 4
Full Stack Stripe Payments Solution with Angular + Firebase