- Traceur compiler - ES6 features > ES5/3. Includes classes, generators, promises, destructuring patterns, default parameters & more.
- es6ify - Traceur compiler wrapped as a Browserify v2 transform
- es6-transpiler - ES6 > ES5. Includes classes, destructuring, default parameters, spread
- Square's es6-module-transpiler - ES6 modules to AMD or CJS
- Square's es6-arrow-function - ES6 arrow functions to ES5
- Facebook's regenerator - transform ES6 yield/generator functions to ES5
- Facebook's jstransform - A simple utility for pluggable JS syntax transforms. Comes with a small set of ES6 -> ES5 transforms
- defs - ES6 block-scoped const and let variables to ES3 vars
- es6_module_transpiler-rails - ES6 Modules in the Rails Asset Pipeline
- Some Sweet.js macros that compile from ES6 to ES5
- Traceur: grunt-traceur ES6 > ES6 transpilation, grunt-traceur-build
- ES6 Module Transpiler: grunt-es6-module-transpiler
- Regenerator: grunt-regenerator - ES6 generator functions to ES5
- grunt-microlib - tools for libs using ES6 module transpiler (sample Gruntfile)
- grunt-defs - ES6 block scoped const and let variables, to ES3
- es6-transpiler: grunt-es6-transpiler - ES6 → ES5
- Traceur: gulp-traceur
- Regenerator: gulp-regenerator
- ES6 Module Transpiler: gulp-es6-module-transpiler
- es6-transpiler: gulp-es6-transpiler - ES6 → ES5
- ES6 Module Loader polyfill (compat with latest spec and Traceur)
- js-loaders - Mozilla's spec-compliant loader prototype
- JSPM - ES6, AMD, CJS module loading/package management
- Module Loader for webpack
- beck.js - toolkit for ES6 Module Loader pipelines, shim for legacy environments
- generator-traceur - Yeoman generator for Traceur apps
- grunt-init-es6 - scaffold node modules with unit tests, authored in ES6
- Loom generators with ES6 ember modules
- Brunch plugin for ES6 module transpilation
- es6-shim - almost all new ES6 methods — from Map, Set, String, Array, Object, Object.is and more.
- WeakMap, Map, Set, HashMap - ES6 Collections
- Polymer's WeakMap shim
- es6-promise - polyfill for Promises matching the ES6 API
- ES6 Map Shim - destructive shim that follows the latest specification as closely as possible.
- ECMAScript 6 polyfill
- ES6 shim
- ES6 Symbol polyfill
- ES6 Map, Set, WeakMap
- harmony-reflect - ES6 reflection module (contains the Proxy API)
- ES6 syntax highlighting for Sublime Text and TextMate
- DocPad plugin for Traceur
- ES.next showcase - real-world usage examples of ES6 features
- looper - static analysis tools for ES6
- es6-module-packager
- es6-import-validate and grunt-es6-import-validate - validate matching named/default import statements in ES6 modules.
- let-er - transpiles let-block block-scoping (not accepted into ES6) into either ES3 or ES6
- Esprima Harmony branch - Experimental branch of the Esprima parser which can parse ES6 features.
- Recast - Esprima-based JavaScript syntax tree transformer, conservative pretty-printer, and automatic source map generator. Used by several of the transpilers listed above, including regenerator and es6-arrow-function.