written in Python
Clear filter
Inofficial Qualcomm Firehose / Sahara / Streaming / Diag Tools :)
Oppo .ofp Firmware decrypter and oneplus .ops de-/encrypter
Xiaomi Flashable Firmware Creator
pyqt based plotters intended for plotting bursted events in gnu radio
bkerler / AMIE
Forked from NeatMonster/AMIEA Minimalist Instruction Extender for the ARM architecture and IDA Pro
bkerler / usbrply
Forked from JohnDMcMaster/usbrplyReplay USB messages from Wireshark (.cap) files
bkerler / gr-radioteletype
Forked from bitglue/gr-radioteletypeGNU Radio blocks for RTTY and PSK31
An unpacker for Nokia NB0 Files written in Python 2.X
Bruteforce Full-disk-encryption offline with python3
Mod tool for Bluetooth Toys with Phy62xx / ST17H66B2