Simple xiaomi sideload client for loading OTA firmwares in device.
Simple xiaomi sideload client for loading OTA firmwares in device.
Mod tool for Bluetooth Toys with Phy62xx / ST17H66B2
bkerler / AMIE
Forked from NeatMonster/AMIEA Minimalist Instruction Extender for the ARM architecture and IDA Pro
A github erofs-utils fork for community development
USA/Canada - Samsung Bootloader Unlock
bkerler / usbrply
Forked from JohnDMcMaster/usbrplyReplay USB messages from Wireshark (.cap) files
Xiaomi Flashable Firmware Creator
For building TWRP for Samsung Galaxy S23 5G (Snapdragon) only
Dana Diabecare RS encryption library reverse-engineering
For building TWRP for Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G (Snapdragon) only
For building TWRP for Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 5G (Snapdragon) only
For building TWRP for Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G (Exynos) only
For building TWRP for Samsung Galaxy S21 5G FE (Snapdragon) only
bkerler / gr-radioteletype
Forked from bitglue/gr-radioteletypeGNU Radio blocks for RTTY and PSK31
To fix the Galaxy Wearable pairing issue.
5.4.86 kernel source for Huawei P50 (HWABR) on HarmonyOS 2.0.1
Bash Debloat-Scripts for Android Devices (using ADB)
Графическая утилита для прошивки модемов и роутеров фирмы HUAWEI и редактирования файлов прошивок