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- Alliance a Swiss business innnovation association public web site runs on eXist-DB (since March 2012)
- Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe: The digital edition of the collected works of Carl Maria von Weber (1786–1826) encoded in TEI-XML. Runs on eXist.
- Centre for Document Studies and Scholarly Editing of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature (Ghent, Belgium) Develops rich scholarly collections of textual data (encoded in TEI), and publishes them as digital text editions and language corpora. Runs on eXist.
- DocEng 2015 The web site of 15th ACM SIGWEB International Symposium on Document Engineering runs on eXist-DB
- eXist-db homepage: The official homepage for eXist, an open source NoSQL database and application platform built on XML technology; the site includes documentation and demos. Runs on eXist.
- EXQuery: The EXQuery project creates standards for portable XQuery coding. The website is written in XQuery and runs on eXist.
- MarkLogic Developer site: The developer site for MarkLogic; has documentation, tech blog, tutorials, and other resources. Built on MarkLogic.
- MarkMail: MarkMail is a free public mailing list archive service that emphasizes interactivity and search analytics. Runs on MarkLogic.
- Office of the Historian: The Office of the Historian offers over 100,000 archival documents from the official documentary history of U.S. foreign relations, as well as other resources and datasets on the history of U.S. foreign relations. Runs on eXist.
- Oppidoc an XQuery service provider company web site runs on eXist-DB
- Roma: TEI Roma is a tool for working with TEI customizations. Runs on eXist.
- SMuFL-Browser: The SMuFL-Browser is a simple web service providing access to the Standard Music Font Layout specification in the context of the Text Encoding Initiative. Runs on eXist. Docs: http://edirom.de/smufl-browser/about.html. Source: https://github.com/Edirom/SMuFL-Browser.
- The Syriac Gazetteer: The Syriac Gazetteer is a geographical reference work of Syriaca.org for places relevant to Syriac studies. Runs on eXist. Source: https://github.com/srophe/srophe-eXist-app.
- Theological Commons: The Theological Commons is a digital library of over 80,000 resources on theology and religion. Runs on MarkLogic.
- Union des Artisans du Patrimoine de Belgique a Craftmen's association in Belgium public web site runs on eXist-DB (since April 2011)
- University of Vermont Center for Digital Initiatives: makes unique research collections available online from UVM collections. Runs on eXist.
For example, in the preparation of materials...
- Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”. Uses eXist-db to store our collections of MODS (bibliographical) and VRA (image metadata) records. We have developed two open source applications for this, Tamboti and Ziziphus, where our records can be searched and edited.
- ICIS: ICIS is the world's largest petrochemical market information provider and has fast-growing energy and fertilizer divisions. Uses MarkLogic as its XML datastore and all data crunching is written in XQuery.
- MARC to BIBFRAME Transformation Service: Transforms MARCXML to BIBFRAME representation. Source: https://github.com/lcnetdev/marc2bibframe
- Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center The Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center (TBRC) holds the world’s single largest collec‐ tion of Tibetan texts—nearly 10 million scanned pages and over 11,000 Unicode Tibe‐ tan texts. TBRC.org provides online access to over 4,000 users via an Ajax client written in Google Web Toolkit as a front-end to the eXist-db.
- ScoutDragon.com Original English content, data, and research on baseball players in Asia.