5.0.5 Beta 5
mGear 5.0 doesn't need Pymel anymore 🥳
Bug Fix
- PyMaya: attr add index method #263
- Anim_utils: IK/FK fix error when not keyframes #445
- PyMaya: implementing pm.select() to support nested lists > This mimics pymel select() and fixed issue with custom pickwalk #263
- Anim_utils: update get_ik_conntorls_by_role #445
- Core: Transform: getTransformLookingAt add support for -x-y axis config
- PyMaya: cmd listrelatives parent return empty list if none. Before was returning a list with an empty string like [""] now returns [] #263
Full Changelog: 5.0.4...5.0.5
IMPORTANT NOTE: MacOS Catalina and later has heightened security restrictions on apps and plugins. Run this command in the Terminal, which removes the “quarantine” flag from when it gets downloaded:
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /PATH/TO/THE/MGEAR/SOLVERS/DIRECTORY/