- Vancouver, Canada
- https://www.mikegelbart.com/
cpsc340notebooks Public
Jupyter notebooks for the UBC course CPSC 340: Machine Learning and Data Mining
UBC-MDS.github.io Public
Forked from UBC-MDS/UBC-MDS.github.ioUnofficial MDS website
github3.py Public
Forked from sigmavirus24/github3.pyPython library for interfacing with the GitHub APIv3
ray Public
Forked from ray-project/rayAn open source framework that provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. Ray is packaged with RLlib, a scalable reinforcement learning library, and Tune, a scalable hyp…
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2022 -
misc Public
A place where I can share Markdown files publicly.
magnum-opiate Public
The venue for cereal publication of The Magnum Opiate: a story of mystery, and intriguing.
machine-learning-tutorials Public
Forked from TomasBeuzen/machine-learning-tutorialsA collection of tutorials for different machine learning tasks
plot-classifier Public
Scripts for visualizing classifiers in 2D
floating-point-roundoff Public
My lecture on floating point numbers and roundoff error
Image processing for developmental biology.
Random_stuff Public
Forked from ShunChi100/Random_stuffHere are some random experiments on data science
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 2, 2018 -
rhomboid Public
Rhomboid, a set of tools for delivering a course on GitHub
julia Public
Forked from JuliaLang/juliaThe Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing.
Julia Other UpdatedOct 26, 2016 -
FantasyHockeyMachineLearning Public
Simple machine learning algorithm designed to crush my friends at fantasy hockey.
johnkimble Public
Forked from kohler/johnkimbleJohn Kimble is a live feedback system for classroom use.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 21, 2016 -
sci1cs-2015-16 Public
UBC Science One Computer Science, 2015-2016 academic year
UpdatedJul 15, 2016 -
PyGithub Public
Forked from PyGithub/PyGithubTyped interactions with the GitHub API v3 in Python
slacksocket Public
Forked from vektorlab/slacksocketSlackSocket is a Python interface to the Slack Real Time Messaging(RTM) API
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 1, 2016