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Records memory allocation based on the chosen algorithm. Created for CS3113 Intro to Operating Systems Fall 2017

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	MG Hirsch
	[email protected]
	University of Oklahoma

	December 2017


	Records memory allocation based on the chosen algorithm. For each 
	line in the given file, the program will print the line	console, 
	perform the given command, and print the results.

		REQUEST A n	: Allocated n bytes for a process named A.
				  Output: ALLOCATED A x where x is the 
				  relative address of A.
				  On error: FAIL REQUEST A n.
		RELEASE A	: Releases the memory held by a process A.
				  Output: FREE A n x where n is the amount
				  of memory reclaimed and x is the relative
				  address of A.
				  On error: FAIL RELEASE A.
		LIST AVAILABLE	: Prints location information for all 
				  available memory. If no available memory,
				  prints FULL.
				  Output: (n, x) for each process, where n is 
				  the amount available and x is the relative
		LIST ASSIGNED	: Prints information for all assigned memory.
				  If no allocated memory, prints NONE.
				  Output: (A, n, x) for each processes 
				  where A is the process name, n is the size 
				  of A, and x is the relative address of A. 
		FIND A		: Locates the starting address and size 
				  allocated by the process A. On error, 
				  prints NO PROCESS A.
				  Output: (A, n, x) where n is the size of A
				  and x is the relative address of A. 

		First Fit	: Allocate the next process to the first
				  location in memory that is large enough.
		Next Fit	: Allocate the next process to the next
				  location (relative to the last process
				  added) in memory that is large enough.
		Best Fit	: Allocate the next process to the location
				  in memory that is the closest to the
				  process's size.
		Buddy System	: Divide memory as needed following a binary
				  left-first division system. Allocate the 
				  next process to the left-most smallest 
				  possible chunk available.
		All algorithms were implemented naively. A char* array was
		used to simulate the memory, with the contents of each cell
		containing the name of the process "using" that memory (if
		the memory was free, the cell contained NULL). 
		First fit was implemented by looping through the memory
		array starting at 0 and counting the size of each chunk of 
		consecutive free memory cells, inserting the memory at the 
		first chunk large enough.

		Next fit was implemented in a similar fashion, but started
		at the location of the last process that was added and then
		looping back to 0 when the end of the array was reached.

		Best fit was implemented in a similar fashion. Starting with
		a bestfit size of 0, when a chunk of free memory was found, 
		the size was compared to the size of the current best fit, 
		replacing the current best fit if it was closer to the 
		needed amount of memory.

		Buddy system was implemented by dividing the memory into 
		the smallest possible 2^k chucks that would contain the new
		processes. The location for the new process was found by 
		looping through the memory (starting at 0) and using the 
		first empty chunk.

		The other commands were implemented by looping through
		memory starting from 0 and performing the appropriate
		operation (set cell to NULL, return an index, etc).


	The script file is a series of the commands as defined above. Lines
	prefixed with "#" represent comments. When executed, these comments
	will be printed but will otherwise not effect the result.


	make, make -all	: compiles all files in project
	make -clean	: deletes previous executables and compiles
			  all files in project


	./2 BESTFIT N inputfile
	./2 FIRSTFIT N inputfile
	./2 NEXTFIT N inputfile
	./2 BUDDY N inputfile

	If requested to add a process with the same name as a process
	already allocated in memory, the program will create a new process
	with the same name. If processes are placed consecutively in memory,
	they will be treated as one process. If they are placed seperately,
	RELEASE and FIND will act of the process with the lowest relative
	memory location.

	If the script file provided includes consecutive newline characters,
	the program will throw a segmentation fault and exit.

	If the script file provided includes commands not listed above,
	the command will be printed but no action will be taken.


Records memory allocation based on the chosen algorithm. Created for CS3113 Intro to Operating Systems Fall 2017






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