Quantum Surgical
- Montpellier
- https://michael-girardot.quarto.pub/predmedscience/
Visual tracking library based on PyTorch.
Jupyter notebooks for learning how to use SimpleITK
A Convolutional Variational Autoencoder (CVAE) for 3D CFD data reconstruction and generation.
Medical imaging processing for deep learning.
Implementation for the paper "Extrapolating paths with graph neural networks"
Various demo effect tutorials for the Amstrad CPC.
Source code of the wunderbar demo http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=69684
A git mirror of vasm - A portable and retargetable assembler (formerly hosted at mbitsnbites)
Reproduce CKA: Similarity of Neural Network Representations Revisited
Solutions for Gelfand's Trigonometry
3D U-Net model for volumetric semantic segmentation written in pytorch
[Nature Machine Intelligence 2024] Code and evaluation repository for the paper
Lightweight stereo matching network based on MobileNet blocks
3D ResNets for Action Recognition (CVPR 2018)
Many studies have shown that the performance on deep learning is significantly affected by volume of training data. The MedicalNet project provides a series of 3D-ResNet pre-trained models and rela…
UNet3+/ UNet++/UNet, used in Deep Automatic Portrait Matting in Pytorth
A Full-Scale Connected UNet for Medical Image Segmentation
A Change Detection Repo Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
The pytorch implementation for "SNUNet-CD: A Densely Connected Siamese Network for Change Detection of VHR Images"
Sparse convolutional neural network for high-resolution skull shape completion and shape super-resolution
Euclidean distance & signed distance transform for multi-label 3D anisotropic images using marching parabolas.
🧬 Nucleotide Transformer: Building and Evaluating Robust Foundation Models for Human Genomics
Top2Vec learns jointly embedded topic, document and word vectors.