This is a fixed up version of godeb from niemeyer/godeb containing all necessary PRs from the original repository to produce a working version of godeb that produces non-broken debian packages also when compiled with modern go versions.
For details of how this tool works and context for why it was built, please refer to the following blog post:
If you want to compile it yourself you currently need to check out the repository in your GOPATH under and then execute
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags netgo
Otherwise, there are pre-built binaries available for all architectures currently supported by go, the generic URL is$GOARCH$GOARM.tar.gz
, there is also a signature for every released file ending in .asc
- amd64 (sign)
- 386 (sign)
- arm GOARCH=5 (sign)
- arm GOARCH=6 (sign)
- arm GOARCH=7 (sign)
- arm64 (sign)
- ppc64le (sign)
- s390x (sign)
Notes how we create a release
for i in *.tar.gz; do gpg2 --sign --detach-sign -u [email protected] --armor $i; done
for i in *.asc; do gpg $i; done
gsutil -m cp godeb-* gs://godeb/stage
gsutil -m cp godeb-* gs://godeb
The godeb code is licensed under the LGPL with an exception that allows it to be linked statically. Please see the LICENSE file for details.