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Attention! I did not create this plugin! I am just updating it because the creator droped it in 2013 and I like this plugin very much. All the credits go to bloodyshade.
JodellePowerMining is a plugin for spigot that adds a new set of tools to the game. These tools have a different behavior from the original version. An example is instead of a pickaxe mining just one block, it can mine 3x3.
- Adds 3 distinct tools to the game. Hammer, Excavator and Plow.
- Mining one block makes the other blocks around to be broken, a 3x3 hole. The size of the hole can be changed.
- All mineable/diggable blocks can be configured in the config file.
- Customisable recipes for the PowerTools.
- Commands to check the version and give PowerTools
- Permissions to use, give, craft and enchant PowerTools.
- Support for WorldGuard terrain protection.
- Everything done?
- Permissions for the Plow are now working. All permissions should work properly now.
- Worldguard support added. It is not required to have the plugin tho. It checks each block
to see if they are build protected.
- Added dependencies to the pom.xml
- Implemented the logic that removes the item from the player inventory as soons as the
durability reaches a value below zero. Also plays a breaking sound.
- Added the command "jpm give" and " jpm version"
- Enchantments of items from the recipe on the crafting table are now passed onto
the crafted PowerTool.
- Max stack size is now verified when loading the custom recipes. This prevents, for example, more
setting more than one pickaxe per slot, which is impossible to make in survival.
- Little optimizations on the code.
- Changed the way permissions are checked. Instead of having all the permissions hardcoded on each method
they are now created while the plugin is loaded. HashMaps are used to store each type of permission which
are later used to check if the player has the specific permissions.
- When using a powertool the durability wasn't updated. That's due to a deprecated method being used.
It has been updated to use the new way. Basically now we need to get the item meta and change the durability
there. If we use the old method the changes are not applied.
Created the method, on the PowerUtils class, reduceDurability(ItemStack) to be used by all powertools.
Also implemented the unbreaking enchantment logic.
- Reviewed the BlockBreakListener code and removed useless code.
Before the method breakNaturally() didn't drop anything, so the dropping logic needed to be implemented
manually. This includes the enchants like the various fortune levels.
Also removed some code referring to the Plow present on the this class.