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Starred repositories
Agent Laboratory is an end-to-end autonomous research workflow meant to assist you as the human researcher toward implementing your research ideas
A complete daily plan for studying to become a Google software engineer.
DevOps Workshop for Software Engineers 2020
Vue directive to detect resize events with deboucing and throttling capacity.
A simple project to send an encrypted file from a client using the server public key and the file's SHA-l sum to verify the integrity of the file decrypted in the server.
VariaMos is a Java-based tool for defining variability modeling languages, modeling (dynamic) product lines and cyber-physical self-adaptive systems, and supporting automated verification, analysis…
🏆 Solutions to problems from the UVa Online Judge.
This tool was created during our research at Checkpoint Software Technologies on Whatsapp Protocol (This repository will be updated after BlackHat 2019)
Information about my experiences in cybersecurity 💀
Repositorio de la Universidad Icesi para las clases de ciencia de datos de pregrado y posgrado 🎓🤖
Code library for competitive programming purposes.
A .NET library, that allows to download videos from YouTube and/or extract their audio track (currently only for flash videos).