Run BAM files through OptiType in parallel with nextflow and docker. For more information on OptiType please refer to the official repository.
# nextflow.config
cloud {
imageId = 'ami-dabffecc'
instanceType = 'm4.xlarge'
userName = 'your_username'
keyName = 'your_keyname'
autoscale {
enabled = true
minInstances = 2
maxInstances = 10
terminateWhenIdle = true
# installation and cluster setup
curl -fsSL | bash
./nextflow cloud create optitype-cluster -c 3
ssh -i ~/.ssh/your_keyname [email protected]
I recommend using the ami-dabffecc image because it was specifically built for running this process. You can change or remove the autoscale properties depending on the resources you require. For more information on this configuration please refer to the nextflow documentation.
./nextflow run nmdp-bioinformatics/flow-Optitype \
-with-docker nmdpbioinformatics/flow-optitype \
--bamdir s3://location/of/bamfiles --outfile typing_results.txt
Running this will pull down this repository and run the nextflow script. It will also pull down the docker image associated with this repository. If you have the aws cli set up you can point the script to an S3 bucket that contains your BAM files.
Szolek, A, Schubert, B, Mohr, C, Sturm, M, Feldhahn, M, and Kohlbacher, O (2014). OptiType: precision HLA typing from next-generation sequencing data Bioinformatics, 30(23):3310-6.
Di Tommaso, P., Chatzou, M., Floden, E. W., Barja, P. P., Palumbo, E., & Notredame, C. (2017). Nextflow enables reproducible computational workflows. Nat Biotech, 35(4), 316–319.