This is a scaffold for a simple environment that you can put on any laptop to do LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql, Php) stack development.
To set up your environment (Windows, MacOS, or Linux), install:
VirtualBox (with Guest Extensions):
Atom (our favorite editor):
Add your favorite atom packages:
apm install language-puppet markdown-preview-plus sort-lines
Before you configure your virtual LAMP machine, you need to pick some passwords for its database. Read the file secrets_example.yaml for instructions.
To create a fresh virtual machine:
% vagrant up
You may want to add the hostname and ip address listed in the Vagrantfile to your local /etc/hosts file (no one else on your network will see it, so it doesn't have to be unique. But it must be on its own subnet).
# echo '' >> /etc/hosts
Then, in your browser, you can view