A very simple standalone ABM example in Julia that can be used as a starting point for a new ABM implementation.
All model-specific code is contained in lower-case .jl files. All other files contain modules that are more or less general and can be reused.
The main parts of the model:
functions to create the world in different configurationsmodel.jl
data structures and processes that make up the model itselfanalysis.jl
observations and data outputsetup.jl
create a runnable modelparams.jl
model parametersdraw_gui.jl
draw the model to a canvasrun_gui.jl
ties everything together, creates model from commandline parameters and runs it with GUIrun_cmdl.jl
ties everything together, creates model from commandline parameters and runs without gui
In order to implement a new model only a few of the included files have to be changed:
for the model itselfsetup.jl
for model-specific setup and initialisationparams.jl
to define model parametersanalysis.jl
for output
And for the GUI version:
to display the modelrun_gui.jl
for model-specific graphs
Run as julia run_gui.jl
or julia run_cmdl.jl
. Run with --help
to see commandline options.
contains currently unused code to draw the world as an SVG image using Luxor.
In order to run the model the following packages have to be installed:
- MiniEvents (not registered yet, for now install as
add https://github.com/mhinsch/MiniEvents.jl
) - MiniObserve
- DataStructures
- Distributions
- ArgParse
- Parameters
- MacroTools
- StaticArrays
- SimpleDirectMediaLayer (for GUI only)