Mini-project for Sound Processing (AAU SMC 2018)
This archive presents a virtual simulation of the Leslie Speaker commonly found in Hammond electric organs.
The digital effect has been developed using the FAUST programming language, and then ported into a VST-compatible format using the JUCE C++ framework.
A paper detailing the models and implementation can be found in the report
Slides for this project can be found at
- open FAUST online editor
- copy content of
- possible actions:
- run in browser
- show interactive block diagram
- export (e.g. VST, standalone, android app...)
- note: the user interface and performances differ from the JUCE version
- note: the graph bars on the UI show the angles of the rotating motors and the position of the read and write buffer pointers
- run Projucer
- open
- generate exporters for desired platform
- compile using selected plaftorm
- note: the compilation should return a VST as well as a stand-alone version
- note: only tested on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS