Hook atomify into your grunt process Example: you can have two different atomify configurations for release and debug builds. In this example, we're minifying the release artifact, and leaving the debug artifact inflated, and we're starting a livereload server in debug mode, for interactive development. This also shows that you can use grunt string replacement, like in a yeoman generated project.
atomify: {
dist: {
js: {
entry: '<%= yeoman.app %>/src/index.js',
transforms: ['debowerify', 'uglifyify'],
debug: false,
output: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/js/main.js'
debug: {
js: {
entry: 'app/src/index.js',
transforms: ['debowerify'],
debug: true,
output: 'dist/js/main.js'
server: {
port: 9000,
hostname: 'localhost',
url: 'http://localhost:9000/yeoman/app/src/index.html',
open: true,
lr: {
sync: true,
port: 35729,
verbose: true,
// can't use grunt string replacement in these patterns
patterns: [ 'yeoman/app/src/**/*.js' ]
To run your dist build:
grunt atomify:dist
To run your debug build:
grunt atomify:debug