Builds and runs an exported impulse locally (Linux)
This is a ZSH plugin that enables you to use OpenAI's Codex AI in the command line.
Image segmentation of satellite images of galaxies using machine learning and deep learning tecnique, in order to identifiy galaxies.
Invoke is a leading creative engine for Stable Diffusion models, empowering professionals, artists, and enthusiasts to generate and create visual media using the latest AI-driven technologies. The …
Openjourney that works in google colab
Design tool for creating Lottie animations and interactive web components
Patched Netflix App for Android enabling Widevine L1 allowing not certified devices to play HD
Keras model to generate HTML code from hand-drawn website mockups. Implements an image captioning architecture to drawn source images.
Generating Sentiment-aware Visual Stories using Cross-modal Music Translation
It's repo with labs and their sources for course digital circuit engineering
Asynchronous graphics library for OLED displays based on SSD1306 controller (AVR)
⚡ Lightning-fast transport-agnostic RPC with asyncio support [Under Development]
simpleserver – An example of networking application [under development]