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Polish .gradle file formatting to use tabs
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Replace spaces with tabs for consistency with Java source code
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philwebb committed Dec 10, 2012
1 parent 756bff8 commit a268528
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,069 additions and 1,069 deletions.
1,534 changes: 767 additions & 767 deletions build.gradle

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

44 changes: 22 additions & 22 deletions gradle/ide.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
import org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.ProjectDependency

eclipse.classpath.file.whenMerged { classpath ->
// servlet-api (2.5) and tomcat-servlet-api (3.0) classpath entries should not be
// exported to dependent projects in Eclipse to avoid false compilation errors due
// to changing APIs across these versions
classpath.entries.findAll { entry -> entry.path.contains('servlet-api') }*.exported = false
// servlet-api (2.5) and tomcat-servlet-api (3.0) classpath entries should not be
// exported to dependent projects in Eclipse to avoid false compilation errors due
// to changing APIs across these versions
classpath.entries.findAll { entry -> entry.path.contains('servlet-api') }*.exported = false

// GRADLE-1116
def regexp = /.*?\/([^\/]+)\/build\/[^\/]+\/(?:main|test)/ // only match those that end in main or test (avoids removing necessary entries like build/classes/jaxb)
def projectOutputDependencies = classpath.entries.findAll { entry -> entry.path =~ regexp }
projectOutputDependencies.each { entry ->
def matcher = (entry.path =~ regexp)
if(matcher) {
def projectName = matcher[0][1]
def path = "/${projectName}"
if(!classpath.entries.find { e -> e instanceof ProjectDependency && e.path == path }) {
def dependency = new ProjectDependency(path, project(":${projectName}").path)
dependency.exported = true
classpath.entries.removeAll { entry -> (entry.path =~ /(?!.*?repack.*\.jar).*?\/([^\/]+)\/build\/libs\/[^\/]+\.jar/) }
// GRADLE-1116
def regexp = /.*?\/([^\/]+)\/build\/[^\/]+\/(?:main|test)/ // only match those that end in main or test (avoids removing necessary entries like build/classes/jaxb)
def projectOutputDependencies = classpath.entries.findAll { entry -> entry.path =~ regexp }
projectOutputDependencies.each { entry ->
def matcher = (entry.path =~ regexp)
if(matcher) {
def projectName = matcher[0][1]
def path = "/${projectName}"
if(!classpath.entries.find { e -> e instanceof ProjectDependency && e.path == path }) {
def dependency = new ProjectDependency(path, project(":${projectName}").path)
dependency.exported = true
classpath.entries.removeAll { entry -> (entry.path =~ /(?!.*?repack.*\.jar).*?\/([^\/]+)\/build\/libs\/[^\/]+\.jar/) }
102 changes: 51 additions & 51 deletions gradle/jdiff.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,64 +11,64 @@
* @param OLD_VERSION_ROOT required, typically pointing to a separate git clone dir
task jdiff {
description = 'Generates a JDiff report'
group = 'Documentation'
description = 'Generates a JDiff report'
group = 'Documentation'

def jdiffHome = "${rootProject.rootDir}/gradle/jdiff"
def jdiffHome = "${rootProject.rootDir}/gradle/jdiff"

name: 'jdiff',
classname: 'jdiff.JDiffAntTask',
classpath: "${jdiffHome}/antjdiff.jar")
name: 'jdiff',
classname: 'jdiff.JDiffAntTask',
classpath: "${jdiffHome}/antjdiff.jar")

def previousVersion = rootProject.previousVersion
def previousVersion = rootProject.previousVersion

def currentVersion = rootProject.version
def currentVersionRoot = rootProject.rootDir
def currentVersion = rootProject.version
def currentVersionRoot = rootProject.rootDir

def oldVersion = System.getProperty("OLD_VERSION") ?: previousVersion
def oldVersionRoot = System.getProperty("OLD_VERSION_ROOT")
def oldVersion = System.getProperty("OLD_VERSION") ?: previousVersion
def oldVersionRoot = System.getProperty("OLD_VERSION_ROOT")

def outputDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/reports/jdiff/${oldVersion}_to_${currentVersion}"
def outputDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/reports/jdiff/${oldVersion}_to_${currentVersion}"

doLast {
if (oldVersionRoot == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Set OLD_VERSION_ROOT property to indicate the root directory for ${oldVersion}")
doLast {
if (oldVersionRoot == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Set OLD_VERSION_ROOT property to indicate the root directory for ${oldVersion}")

oldVersionRoot = new File(oldVersionRoot)
oldVersionRoot = new File(oldVersionRoot) 'JDIFF_HOME', value: jdiffHome)
ant.mkdir(dir: outputDir)
destdir: outputDir,
verbose: 'off',
stats: 'on',
docchanges: 'on') {
old(name: "Spring Framework ${oldVersion}") {
oldVersionRoot.eachDirMatch( {
def candidate = new File(it)"org.springframework.*") ||"spring-.*") }) { match ->
match.eachDirRecurse { subdir ->
if (subdir.path ==~ '.*/src/main/java$') {
dirset(dir: subdir.path, includes: 'org/**')
'new'(name: "Spring Framework ${currentVersion}") {
currentVersionRoot.eachDirMatch( {
def candidate = new File(it)"org.springframework.*") ||"spring-.*") }) { match ->
match.eachDirRecurse { subdir ->
if (subdir.path ==~ '.*/src/main/java$') {
dirset(dir: subdir.path, includes: 'org/**')
} 'JDIFF_HOME', value: jdiffHome)
ant.mkdir(dir: outputDir)
destdir: outputDir,
verbose: 'off',
stats: 'on',
docchanges: 'on') {
old(name: "Spring Framework ${oldVersion}") {
oldVersionRoot.eachDirMatch( {
def candidate = new File(it)"org.springframework.*") ||"spring-.*") }) { match ->
match.eachDirRecurse { subdir ->
if (subdir.path ==~ '.*/src/main/java$') {
dirset(dir: subdir.path, includes: 'org/**')
'new'(name: "Spring Framework ${currentVersion}") {
currentVersionRoot.eachDirMatch( {
def candidate = new File(it)"org.springframework.*") ||"spring-.*") }) { match ->
match.eachDirRecurse { subdir ->
if (subdir.path ==~ '.*/src/main/java$') {
dirset(dir: subdir.path, includes: 'org/**')
50 changes: 25 additions & 25 deletions gradle/merge-artifacts.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,43 +22,43 @@ def mergeFromProject = project
// invoking a task on mergeFromProject will invoke the task with the same name on mergeIntoProject
def taskNamesToMerge = ['sourcesJar','jar','javadocJar','javadoc','install','artifactoryPublish']
taskNamesToMerge.each { taskName ->
def taskToRemove = mergeFromProject.tasks.findByPath(taskName)
if(taskToRemove) {
taskToRemove.enabled = false
taskToRemove.dependsOn mergeIntoProject."$taskName"
def taskToRemove = mergeFromProject.tasks.findByPath(taskName)
if(taskToRemove) {
taskToRemove.enabled = false
taskToRemove.dependsOn mergeIntoProject."$taskName"

// update mergeIntoProject artifacts to contain the mergeFromProject artifact contents
mergeIntoProject."sourcesJar" {
from mergeFromProject.sourcesJar.source
from mergeFromProject.sourcesJar.source
mergeIntoProject."jar" {
from mergeFromProject.jar.source
from mergeFromProject.jar.source
mergeIntoProject."javadoc" {
source += mergeFromProject.javadoc.source
classpath += mergeFromProject.javadoc.classpath
source += mergeFromProject.javadoc.source
classpath += mergeFromProject.javadoc.classpath

// Update mergeIntoProject to contain additional configurations that contains all the dependencies from mergeFromProject
// so that Maven pom generation works
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {

mergeFromProject.configurations.each { config->
def mapping = mergeFromProject.conf2ScopeMappings.getMapping([config])
if(mapping.scope) {
def newConfigName = + "-"+
config.dependencies.each { dependency ->
mergeIntoProject.dependencies.add(newConfigName, dependency)
configure(mergeIntoProject.install.repositories.mavenInstaller.pom.scopeMappings) {
addMapping(mapping.priority + 100, mergeIntoProject.configurations."$newConfigName", mapping.scope)
mergeIntoProject.optionalDeps += mergeFromProject.optionalDeps
mergeIntoProject.providedDeps += mergeFromProject.providedDeps
mergeFromProject.configurations.each { config->
def mapping = mergeFromProject.conf2ScopeMappings.getMapping([config])
if(mapping.scope) {
def newConfigName = + "-"+
config.dependencies.each { dependency ->
mergeIntoProject.dependencies.add(newConfigName, dependency)
configure(mergeIntoProject.install.repositories.mavenInstaller.pom.scopeMappings) {
addMapping(mapping.priority + 100, mergeIntoProject.configurations."$newConfigName", mapping.scope)
mergeIntoProject.optionalDeps += mergeFromProject.optionalDeps
mergeIntoProject.providedDeps += mergeFromProject.providedDeps
90 changes: 45 additions & 45 deletions gradle/publish-maven.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,54 +7,54 @@ ext.optional = { optionalDeps << it }
ext.provided = { providedDeps << it }

install {
repositories.mavenInstaller {
customizePom(pom, project)
repositories.mavenInstaller {
customizePom(pom, project)

def customizePom(pom, gradleProject) {
pom.whenConfigured { generatedPom ->
// respect 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies
gradleProject.optionalDeps.each { dep ->
generatedPom.dependencies.findAll { it.artifactId == }*.optional = true
gradleProject.providedDeps.each { dep ->
generatedPom.dependencies.findAll { it.artifactId == }*.scope = 'provided'
pom.whenConfigured { generatedPom ->
// respect 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies
gradleProject.optionalDeps.each { dep ->
generatedPom.dependencies.findAll { it.artifactId == }*.optional = true
gradleProject.providedDeps.each { dep ->
generatedPom.dependencies.findAll { it.artifactId == }*.scope = 'provided'

// eliminate test-scoped dependencies (no need in maven central poms)
generatedPom.dependencies.removeAll { dep ->
dep.scope == 'test'
// eliminate test-scoped dependencies (no need in maven central poms)
generatedPom.dependencies.removeAll { dep ->
dep.scope == 'test'

// add all items necessary for maven central publication
generatedPom.project {
name = gradleProject.description
description = gradleProject.description
url = ''
organization {
name = 'SpringSource'
url = ''
licenses {
license {
name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
url ''
distribution 'repo'
scm {
url = ''
connection = 'scm:git:git://'
developerConnection = 'scm:git:git://'
developers {
developer {
id = 'jhoeller'
name = 'Juergen Hoeller'
email = '[email protected]'
// add all items necessary for maven central publication
generatedPom.project {
name = gradleProject.description
description = gradleProject.description
url = ''
organization {
name = 'SpringSource'
url = ''
licenses {
license {
name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
url ''
distribution 'repo'
scm {
url = ''
connection = 'scm:git:git://'
developerConnection = 'scm:git:git://'
developers {
developer {
id = 'jhoeller'
name = 'Juergen Hoeller'
email = '[email protected]'

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