An online achievement platform for tracking and displaying the brilliant things Makers students do.
Initially inspired out of the Makers sticker system we have expanded the idea to be a fully interactive achievement system which allows users to keep track of any awesome things they do, create new achievements if they believe there is something other's should have a crack at and feel their competitive spirits rush as they race to the top of the leaderboard.
Right now there's just the basics of the NetStix platform:
- Local user authentication, sign up, sign in and sign out.
- The ability to create an achievement, view a list of achievements and view further detail on a specific achievement
- The ability to view a leaderboard of all users and their scores, ability to view a specific user and see everything they have done
- The ability to make submissions to an achievement and view proof from other locations
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- User Authentication with Passport
- Tested with jasmine-node and Frisby
- AngularJS
- Tested with Jasmine, Karma and Protractor
You can try the app remotely:
or install it locally:
Clone down from github and cd into the directory
$ git clone [email protected]:michaellennox/netstix.git
$ cd netstix
If you don't have MongoDB installed you will have to get it:
$ brew update
$ brew install mongodb
$ sudo mkdir -p /data/db
$ sudo chown <your username> /data/db
Install any dependencies then run the app
$ npm install
$ npm start
Visit http://localhost:8080/#/
and enjoy your new, beautiful and awesome achievement system.
- BETA testing for achievements (think like codewars BETA tasks)
- Submission should be approved before applying to a user's profile
- Restrictions for different levels of users for eg voting BETA achievements through, approving submissions
Feel free to get involved! Our waffleboard is available at