FontAwesomeAttribute is a general-purpose attribute to specify user-visible globalizable strings for types and members.
Add package reference to *.csproj
<PackageReference Include="FontAwesomeAttribute" Version="" />
Add using statement in code
using FontAwesome.DataAnnotations;
Add attribute to enum
public enum Role
/// <summary>
/// No role assigned, default user role
/// </summary>
[Display(Name = "None")]
[FontAwesome(Name = "No Roles", FixedWidth = "True", Icon1 = FontAwesome.Css.Ban, IconSize1 = FontAwesome.Size.Normal, Stacked = "False")]
/// <summary>
/// Developer role
/// </summary>
[Display(Name = "Developer")]
[FontAwesome(Name = "Developer", FixedWidth = "True", Icon1 = FontAwesome.Css.UserNinja, IconSize1 = FontAwesome.Size.Normal, Stacked = "False")]
Add an extension class for enums
© for this code snippet C# Using Extended Attribute Information on Objects
/// <summary>
/// Enum Extensions
/// </summary>
public static class EnumExtensions
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// If an enum has a custom attrbute, this will return that attribute or null.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TCustomAttr">
/// The type of the
/// <code>custom attribute</code>
/// to extract from the enum.
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TEnum">The enum currently being viewed.</typeparam>
/// <param name="instance">The instance.</param>
/// <returns>The custom attribute (TCustomAttr) or null</returns>
public static TCustomAttr ExtractAttribute<TCustomAttr, TEnum>(this TEnum instance)
if (instance != null)
FieldInfo fieldInfo = instance.GetType().GetField(instance.ToString());
var attributes = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TCustomAttr), false).ToList();
if (attributes.Any())
return (TCustomAttr)attributes[0];
catch (Exception)
return default(TCustomAttr);
#endregion Public Methods
Use in code
string item = "Developer";
Role role = (Enum.Parse<Role>(item, false));
var faIconName = role.ExtractAttribute<FontAwesome.DataAnnotations.FontAwesomeAttribute, Role>().Css;
var roleName = role.ExtractAttribute<System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute, Role>().Name;
Use in markup
<li class="navbar-light"><i class="@(faIconName) pe-4"></i>@roleName</li>