Monitor the temperature and relative humidity condition in a enclosed area, such as a dry box, with a battery. Once the reading is over the limit, a message will be sent through a telegram bot. This version is using a ESP8266 NodeMCU and ESP01 with DHT11 digital humidity temperature sensor, but it can be burn into any ESP8266 board with DHT22/DHT21 sensor.
There are a few parameters that need to be changed:
ssid : SSID of your WIFI connection
password : Password of your WIFI connection
BotKey : Telegram Bot Token
chat_id : chat ID to indentify the chatting client (you)
fingerprint : fingerprint of, need to update time to time
t_threshold : temperature threshold, will send out a message if over this limit
h_threshold : humidity threshold, will send out a message if over this limit
Software: Arduino IDE, CH34x driver (optional), a telegram bot
Hardware: ESP8266 NodeMCU, DHT11, Power Bank with 5V USB output
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details