- Mickael GUDIN
- Julien DOUJET
Project of a pokedex in symfony. In this project people can registrer to be a trainer, then they can connect to their account. Trainers can hunt pokemons with one of their pokemons, they can train them which leads pokemons to gain XP and eventually evolve. Trainers can also buy pokemons from others trainers that are for sale, and they can sale the pokemons that belongs to them.
Symfony must be installed in order to run the commands
You need to :
- install the database with the script pokegame.sql located at the root of this project
- change the database configuration in the file var\cache\dev\App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php at the line 909
With your command prompt or terminal you need to get to the root of the project then you have to enter this command :
symfony server:start
Then in your browser you search for the following url :
If you want to test the connexion here's two trainers and their credentials :
The first one :
username : Julien
password : ABCD
The other one :
username : Micky
password : 12345