My setup:
- .Net 6 which is referencing Apache.Ignite
- Ignite 2.15
- JAVA_HOME set to OpenJDK 11.0.20+8 - tried also OpenJDK_17.0.8_7 and same results.
Sample code below on setting up a dummy cache and doing Get/Update:
IIgnite ignite = Ignition.Start();
Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.ICache<Guid, Person> cache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache<Guid, Person>(nameof(Person));
cache.Put( firstPerson.Id, new Person(){ Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name="MrQ" } );
const int nbGetAndWrites = 8;
// Get, Update, Put same record multiple times and add each time an Emoji
for (int i = 0; i < nbGetAndWrites; i++)
Person fromCache = cache.Get(firstPerson.Id);
Console.WriteLine($"Step {i} got Person {fromCache}");
fromCache.Name += $" [🐝]";
cache.Put(fromCache.Id, fromCache);
Step 0 got Person [ Id=764d9799-6cb5-402e-93ba-ee3d1b87c0fb; Name=MrQ ]
Step 1 got Person [ Id=764d9799-6cb5-402e-93ba-ee3d1b87c0fb; Name=MrQ [🐝]�' ]
Step 2 got Person [ Id=764d9799-6cb5-402e-93ba-ee3d1b87c0fb; Name=MrQ [🐝]�' [🐝]� ]
Step 3 got Person [ Id=764d9799-6cb5-402e-93ba-ee3d1b87c0fb; Name=MrQ [🐝]�' [🐝]� [🐝](� ]
Step 4 got Person [ Id=764d9799-6cb5-402e-93ba-ee3d1b87c0fb; Name=MrQ [🐝]�' [🐝]� [🐝](� [🐝]e�ee????� ]
Step 5 got Person [ Id=764d9799-6cb5-402e-93ba-ee3d1b87c0fb; Name=MrQ [🐝]�' [🐝]� [🐝](� [🐝]e�ee????� [🐝]�e��e???? ]
Step 6 got Person [ Id=764d9799-6cb5-402e-93ba-ee3d1b87c0fb; Name=MrQ [🐝]�' [🐝]� [🐝](� [🐝]e�ee????� [🐝]�e��e???? [🐝]g/garbage-collector).ee??v?? ]
Step 7 got Person [ Id=764d9799-6cb5-402e-93ba-ee3d1b87c0fb; Name=MrQ [🐝]�' [🐝]� [🐝](� [🐝]e�ee????� [🐝]�e��e???? [🐝]g/garbage-collector).ee??v?? [🐝]?v???v??`?v??`?v??p?v??p?v????v????v?? ]