#Animation Toolkit for FreeCAD
This Workbench can be used to create sequences of pictures.
It is still under construction - all contributions welcomed ..
#Linux Installation Instructions
To use this workbench clone this git repository under your FreeCAD MyScripts directory. On a Linux Debian based system such as Ubuntu, installation can be done through BASH as follows
$ mkdir ~/.FreeCAD/Mod
$ cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod
$ git clone https://github.com/microelly2/Animation.git
Once installed, use git to easily update to the latest version:
$ cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod/Animation
$ git pull
#Windows Installation Instructions
Tested with 0.16.5005 Development Snapshot on a Windows 7 64bit-System (thanks BPLRFE )
- download the git repository as ZIP
- assuming FreeCAD is installed in "C:\PortableApps\FreeCAD 0_16", go to "C:\PortableApps\FreeCAD 0_16\Mod" within Windows Explorer
- create new directory named "Animation"
- unzip downloaded repository in "C:\PortableApps\FreeCAD 0_16\Mod\Animation"
Within FreeCAD you will now have a new workbench-entry called "Animation".
#Mac Installation Instructions
Copy or unzip the drawing dimensioning folder to the directory FreeCAD.app/Contents/Mod
where FreeCAD.app is the folder where FreeCAD is installed.