This demo contains simple one page web app with REST API backend and Azure Cosmos DB for data persistence.
Function App:
- exposes REST APIs for listing ToDoes, creating and editing ToDo records.
- Function "StaticFileServer" together with proxy rules in Fuction App is able to serve static pages (located in folder www) - thanks Anthony Chu for great article about file serving from Function App:
Solution can be provisioned by this template, important attributes are:
- App name - unique name for your Function App
- Repo URL - github url for your repository with application
- Branch - github branch which will be used
- Azure Cosmos Db name - unique name for your Cosmos DB
- Storage account type
After successful deployment you can reach your application from web browser on URL: https://[YOUR-FUNCTIONAPP-NAME]
Notes: If you want to change code or in another way to play with application use these steps:
- fork original repository (to be able to commit changes there) - original repo:
- when deploying application by template use your Repo URL in field "Repo URL"
- when you are done with changes you can git add; git commit; git push your changes to github, Function App will collect new version of files automatically in few seconds and you can see new version of your app deployed.