My name is Miguel Cruz, I'm 24 years old. I was born in Recife - PE, Brazil. 🏖️
I have a bachelor in Computer Engineering at Cin - UFPE and studying on Master degree in Computational Photography/Deep Learning.
I've worked in projects involving Embedded Systems, Hardware and Software Engineering (Fuzzing).
I'm currently working with projects involving Deep Learning, Signals and Pattern Recognition. More specifically applied to Image, Computational Photography and Audio. I also study Logic, Philosophy, Theory of Computation, Algorithms, Abstract/Linear/Vetorial Algebra, Calculus and Real/Complex Analysis by myself. I love to learn new things from the basis and try to relationate with my previous knowledge. I'm always trying to see and think from a different (and sometimes bizarre) way. I'm always very excited to collaborate with different projects, researches and study groups. So the logic conclusion is that I was born to study and to be a scientist. 🤪 🤪 🤪
Python: Pytorch, Numpy, Opencv, Librosa, Keras, Pandas
Shell Script
I speak Portuguese, English and French.
Resume (EN): https://miguellpcs.github.io/resume/
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- I'm a music, cinema, photography and book nerd 🧐 🧐
- Sport Club do Recife fan ❤️🖤🦁
- My favorite juice is strawberry juice 🍓
- I'm always joking (There's no jokes in my profissional information ok 🤪)
- I talk too much 🤙
- More about me in my lastfm, letterboxd and instagram:
- https://letterboxd.com/pold/ (yea I do love horror movies)
- https://www.last.fm/pt/user/Pold23 (yea I do love sad songs)
- https://www.instagram.com/aalienobserver/ (yea I'm a bad photographer)