Tags: mih/cctools
Toggle release/4.0.0rc3's commit message
Return default batch options if not wrapping.
Toggle release/4.0rc2's commit message
Automatic logscale/range for visualizer.
Also, cleans most tics from axis, and removes some borders.
Toggle release/4.0rc1's commit message
Add missing Python bindings for WQ4.0.
Toggle 4.0rc1's commit message
work_queue: set default argument for end_byte
Python requires keyword arguments to have a default value.
Toggle first_campus_deployment's commit message
Write operations on cvmfs should return ENOENT when possible,
and EROFS otherwise.
Toggle release/3.7.3's commit message
Toggle release/3.7.3rc5's commit message
Toggle release/3.7.3rc4's commit message
Check for possible failure of perl configuration if ExtUtils::Embed
is not present. This fixes the build on BlueGene/Q.
Toggle release/3.7.2's commit message
Set release date for version 3.7.2.
Toggle release/3.7.2rc3's commit message
Bump version number to rc3
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