Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
[No Longer Maintained] A simple, elegant, book-like hexo theme with some useful features.
A service mesh implementation for connecting, control, and observe services in spring-cloud.
又名大狼狗代码生成器,基于SpringBoot2+Freemarker的JAVA代码生成器,以释放双手为目的,支持mysql/oracle/pgsql三大数据库, 用DDL-SQL语句生成JPA/JdbcTemplate/Mybatis/MybatisPlus/BeetlSQL等相关代码.
A fast development platform.(XXL-BOOT 是一个快速开发平台,易学易用、简化开发、丰富扩展、开箱即用。整合前后端流行技术,致力为 中小企业、个人开发者 打造开箱即用的中后台解决方案)
Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js
「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin
A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths
The most advanced browser fingerprinting library.
Device information and digital fingerprinting written in pure JavaScript.
Website to view the information fingerprint that your browser exposes to third parties.
UI Recorder is a multi-platform UI test recorder.
moles-packer 是由携程框架团队研发的,与携程moles框架配套使用的React Native 打包和拆包工具,同时支持原生的 React Native 项目。
A distribute transaction solution(分布式事务) unified the usage of TCC , SAGA ,FMT (seata/fescar AutoCompensation), reliable message, compensate and so on;