How to build a graph Transformer? We provide a 3-part recipe on how to build graph Transformers with linear complexity. Our GPS recipe consists of choosing 3 main ingredients:
- positional/structural encoding: LapPE, RWSE, SignNet, EquivStableLapPE
- local message-passing mechanism: GatedGCN, GINE, PNA
- global attention mechanism: Transformer, Performer, BigBird
In this GraphGPS package we provide several positional/structural encodings and model choices, implementing the GPS recipe. GraphGPS is built using PyG and GraphGym from PyG2. Specifically PyG v2.0.4 is required.
conda create -n graphgps python=3.9
conda activate graphgps
conda install pytorch=1.10 torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pyg=2.0.4 -c pyg -c conda-forge
# RDKit is required for OGB-LSC PCQM4Mv2 and datasets derived from it.
conda install openbabel fsspec rdkit -c conda-forge
pip install torchmetrics
pip install performer-pytorch
pip install ogb
pip install tensorboardX
pip install wandb
conda clean --all
conda activate graphgps
# Running GPS with RWSE and tuned hyperparameters for ZINC.
python --cfg configs/GPS/zinc-GPS+RWSE.yaml wandb.use False
# Running config with tuned SAN hyperparams for ZINC.
python --cfg configs/SAN/zinc-SAN.yaml wandb.use False
# Running a debug/dev config for ZINC.
python --cfg tests/configs/graph/zinc.yaml wandb.use False
# "small" GPS (GatedGCN+Transformer) with RWSE: 5layers, 304dim, 6152001 params
python --cfg configs/GPS/pcqm4m-GPS+RWSE.yaml
# "medium" GPS (GatedGCN+Transformer) with RWSE: 10layers, 384dim, 19414641 params
python --cfg configs/GPS/pcqm4m-GPSmedium+RWSE.yaml
# "deep" GPS (GatedGCN+Transformer) with RWSE: 16layers, 256dim, 13807345 params
python --cfg configs/GPS/pcqm4m-GPSdeep+RWSE.yaml
Note 1: For training we set aside 150k molecules as a custom validation set for the model selection / early stopping. The official
set is used as the testing set in our training setup. For running inference ontest-dev
look further below. -
Note 2: GPS-medium took ~48h, GPS-deep ~60h to train on a single NVidia A100 GPU. Your reproduced results may slightly vary.
Note 3: This version of GPS does not use 3D atomic position information.
Model config | parameters | train MAE | custom valid MAE | official valid MAE |
GPS-small | 6,152,001 | 0.0638 | 0.0849 | 0.0937 |
GPS-medium | 19,414,641 | 0.0726 | 0.0805 | 0.0858 |
GPS-deep | 13,807,345 | 0.0641 | 0.0796 | 0.0852 |
You need a saved pretrained model from the previous step, then run it with an "inference" script that loads official
, test-dev
, and test-challenge
splits, then runs inference, and the official OGB Evaluator.
# You can download our pretrained GPS-deep (151 MB).
unzip -d pretrained/
# Run inference and official OGB Evaluator.
python --cfg configs/GPS/pcqm4m-GPSdeep-inference.yaml
# Result files for OGB-LSC Leaderboard.
See run/
script to run multiple random seeds per each of the 11 datasets. We rely on Slurm job scheduling system.
Alternatively, you can run them in terminal following the example below. Configs for all 11 datasets are in configs/GPS/
conda activate graphgps
# Run 10 repeats with 10 different random seeds (0..9):
python --cfg configs/GPS/zinc-GPS+RWSE.yaml --repeat 10 wandb.use False
# Run a particular random seed:
python --cfg configs/GPS/zinc-GPS+RWSE.yaml --repeat 1 seed 42 wandb.use False
To use W&B logging, set wandb.use True
and have a gtransformers
entity set-up in your W&B account (or change it to whatever else you like by setting wandb.entity
To run all unit tests, execute from the project root directory:
python -m unittest -v
Or specify a particular test module, e.g.:
python -m unittest -v unittests.test_eigvecs
If you find this work useful, please cite our NeurIPS 2022 paper:
title={{Recipe for a General, Powerful, Scalable Graph Transformer}},
author={Ladislav Ramp\'{a}\v{s}ek and Mikhail Galkin and Vijay Prakash Dwivedi and Anh Tuan Luu and Guy Wolf and Dominique Beaini},