This Laravel seeder provides a convenient way to populate your database with Nigerian states and their corresponding Local Government Areas (LGAs).
- Seeds Nigerian states along with their LGAs.
- Provides a structured and easy-to-use database schema for Nigerian states and LGAs.
- Saves time and effort in manually inputting state and LGA data.
Laravel >= 5.5
You may run both command to quickly create the 3 files, Model, Migration, and Seeder for both State and LGA.
php artisan make:model -ms State php artisan make:model -ms LocalGovernmentArea
Copy the code for both State and LGA files from the app/models, database/migrations, and database/seeders directories of this repository to the corresponding files in your Laravel project's app/models, database/migrations, and database/seeders directories, respectively.
Finally, register the StateSeeder and LocalGovernmentAreaSeeder class in the DatabaseSeeder.php file:
public function run(): void
- Run the database migration and seeder:
php artisan migrate --seed
This will populate your database with Nigerian states and their corresponding LGAs.
Once the seeder has been run, you can use the State and LGA models in your Laravel application to access the state and LGA data.
use App\Models\State;
use App\Models\LGA;
// Get all states
$states = State::all();
// Get LGAs for a specific state
$state = State::where('name', 'Lagos')->first();
$lgas = $state->local_government_areas;
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.
Feel free to customize this guide according to your project's specifics. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask!