kali-linux-docker Public
Forked from mathiasbynens/kali-linux-dockerKali Linux Docker
Shell UpdatedFeb 27, 2018 -
tplmap Public
Forked from epinna/tplmapAutomatic Server-Side Template Injection Detection and Exploitation Tool
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 3, 2016 -
awesome-pentest Public
Forked from enaqx/awesome-pentestA collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
UpdatedMay 31, 2015 -
developer-resources Public
Forked from neo4j-documentation/developer-resourcesneo4j developer resources
HTML UpdatedMar 6, 2015 -
threadfix Public
Forked from denimgroup/threadfixThreadFix is a software vulnerability aggregation and management system that helps organizations aggregate vulnerability data, generate virtual patches, and interact with software defect tracking s…
Java Other UpdatedDec 19, 2014 -
usbdriveby Public
Forked from samyk/usbdrivebyUSBdriveby exploits the trust of USB devices by emulating an HID keyboard and mouse, installing a firewall-evading backdoor, and rerouting DNS within seconds of plugging it in
Arduino UpdatedDec 18, 2014 -
Aqueduct Public
Forked from BuddhaLabs/Aqueduct-OFFICIAL REPO - DISA STIG Compliance Automation leveraging Puppet, Ansible, and Bash
Shell UpdatedNov 18, 2014 -
WebGoat Public
Forked from WebGoat/WebGoat-LegacyDeliberately insecure JavaEE application
Java UpdatedOct 12, 2014 -
MITMf Public
Forked from byt3bl33d3r/MITMfFramework for Man-In-The-Middle attacks
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2014 -
juice-shop Public
Forked from juice-shop/juice-shopAn intentionally insecure RIA suitable for pen testing and security awareness trainings written in Node, Express and Angular.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 10, 2014 -
stig Public
Forked from robertmaury/stigSTIG modules for Puppet (originally forked from Fedora Aqueduct)
Puppet GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedOct 1, 2014 -
spring-mvc-showcase Public
Forked from spring-attic/spring-mvc-showcaseDemonstrates the features of the Spring MVC web framework
Java UpdatedSep 4, 2014 -
pcc Public
Forked from sektioneins/pccPHP Secure Configuration Checker
PHP BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 24, 2014 -
burp-csj Public
Forked from malerisch/burp-csjBurp Plugin - Crawljax Selenium JUnit integration
Java MIT License UpdatedAug 20, 2013 -
DependencyCheck Public
Forked from eoftedal/DependencyCheckDependency-Check is a utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in project dependencies.
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 13, 2013 -
resty-burp Public
Forked from iriusrisk/resty-burpREST/JSON interface to Burp Suite
Java GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 8, 2013 -
backtrack-scripts Public
Custom bash scripts used to automate various pentesting tasks.
arachni Public
Forked from Arachni/arachniWeb Application Security Scanner Framework
Ruby Other UpdatedMar 30, 2013 -
scripts Public
Forked from averagesecurityguy/scriptsScripts I use during pentest engagements.
Python UpdatedMar 29, 2013 -
w3af Public
Forked from andresriancho/w3afSource for the w3af web application attack and audit framework, the open source web vulnerability scanner.
Python UpdatedMar 27, 2013 -
bt5-scripts Public
Forked from thomhastings/bt5-scriptsScratching my own itches on BackTrack 5
Shell UpdatedMar 27, 2013 -
LittleProxy Public
Forked from nasis/LittleProxyHigh Performance HTTP Proxy
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 25, 2013 -
SecLists Public
Forked from danielmiessler/SecListsSecLists is a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data grep strings, fuzzing payloads, and many more.
PHP UpdatedMar 22, 2013 -
tools Public
Forked from mubix/toolsOperational toolset utilizing git's submodule feature
Lua UpdatedFeb 6, 2013 -
RESTful-Security Public
Forked from eoftedal/RESTful-SecurityMy talk from Javazone 2012
UpdatedSep 12, 2012 -
WCF-Binary-SOAP-Plug-In Public
Forked from GDSSecurity/WCF-Binary-SOAP-Plug-InThis is a Burp Suite plug-in designed to encode and decode WCF Binary Soap request and response data ("Content-Type: application/soap+msbin1). There are two versions of the plug-in available (consu…
C# UpdatedJul 25, 2011