Bash shell auto-completion via OpenAI's GPT API
mkdir -p $HOME/bin
BASHGPT=$(curl -s | grep browser_download_url | cut -f4 -d\")
chmod 755 bashgpt
mv bashgpt $HOME/bin
# add $HOME/bin to your $PATH if not already present
bashgpt config
bashgpt - Bash shell auto-completion via OpenAI's GPT API
bashgpt <COMMAND>
Available Commands:
config Initial setup of bashgpt (set API key)
help This help screen
upgrade Upgrade to the latest version of bashgpt
sh <PROMPT> [-- <RESPONSE>] Generate a bash script from PROMPT. '? <PROMPT>'
is a shortcut for 'bashgpt sh <PROMPT>'
version Print the current version of bashgpt and exit
The goal you are trying to accomplish via the shell
The previously generated response from a PROMPT. When present, bashgpt will ignore the PROMPT
and instead just execute RESPONSE. This is done in order to work within the limitations of
bash programmable completion.
bash$ ? rotate foo.png 90 degrees, convert to greyscale, and reencode as jpeg
convert -rotate 90 -type grayscale foo.png foo.jpg
bash$ ? extract a 34s audio clip from bar.mpeg at offset 1m43s and encode in FLAC
ffmpeg -ss 00:01:43 -i bar.mpeg -t 00:00:34 -c:a flac output.flac
bash$ ? find all files under /usr larger than 128KiB, were last modified between aug 2022 and mar 2023, and are not owned by root
find /usr -type f -size +128k ! -user root -newermt "Aug 1, 2022" ! -newermt "Mar 31, 2023"
bash$ ? download ubuntu 20.04 iso
wget --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4183.102 Safari/537.36"
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