Eftest is a fast and pretty Clojure test runner.
To install, add the following to your project :dependencies
[eftest "0.3.1"]
Alternatively, if you just want to use Eftest as a lein test
replacement, add the following to your project :plugins
[lein-eftest "0.3.1"]
When all the tests pass, it looks like this:
When a test fails, it looks like:
And when a test throws an exception, it looks like:
Eftest has two main functions: find-tests
and run-tests
The find-tests
function searches a source, which can be a namespace,
directory path, symbol, var, or a collection of any of the previous.
It returns a collection of test vars found in the source.
The run-tests
function accepts a collection of test vars and runs
them, delivering a report on the tests as it goes.
Typically these two functions are used together:
user=> (require '[eftest.runner :refer [find-tests run-tests]])
user=> (run-tests (find-tests "test"))
The above example will run all tests found in the "test" directory.
By default Eftest runs tests in parallel, which can cause issues with
tests that expect to be single-threaded. To disable this, set the
option to false
user=> (run-tests (find-tests "test") {:multithread? false})
Alternatively, you can add the :eftest/synchronized
key as metadata
to any tests you want to force to be executed in serial:
(deftest ^:eftest/synchronized a-test
(is (= 1 1)))
Or you can synchronize the entire namespace:
(ns ^:eftest/synchronized foo.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[foo.core :refer :all]))
You can also change the reporting function used. For example, if you want a colorized reporter but without the progress bar:
user=> (run-tests (find-tests "test") {:report eftest.report.pretty/report})
Or JUnit output:
user=> (run-tests (find-tests "test") {:report clojure.report.junit/report})
Or maybe you just want the old Clojure test reporter:
user=> (run-tests (find-tests "test") {:report clojure.test/report})
If you want to redirect reporting output to a file, use the
user=> (require '[clojure.report :refer [report-to-file]])
user=> (require '[clojure.report.junit :as ju])
user=> (run-tests (find-tests "test") {:report (report-to-file ju/report "test.xml")})
To use the Lein-Eftest plugin, just run:
lein eftest
You can customize the reporter and set the concurrency by adding an
key to your project map:
:eftest {:multithread? false
:report clojure.report.junit/report}
Leiningen test selectors also work. With namespaces:
lein eftest foo.bar-test foo.baz-test
And with metadata keywords:
lein eftest :integration
Copyright © 2017 James Reeves
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.