#Naisone Trello Quick Add
Productivity app for quick adding cards to a Trelloboard.
Just press cmd+alt+k
on a Mac or ctrl+alt+a
on Windows (and Mac).
Initial Date: BS 25.10.2015, no no
This is how it looks like:
Git Repo
Trello https://trello.com/b/xlDnHO8Z/052-naisone-electron-trello-quick-add
Serving in Browser run gulp serve
Serving as Electron App run gulp
based on generator-gulp-angular
To build an Electron package we use https://github.com/maxogden/electron-packager
Easier to copy paste: (DEPRECATED: the new command can be seen inside build.js and includes setting the app's icon)
electron-packager . "Naisone Trello Quick Add" --platform=all --arch=x64 --version=0.34.0 --overwrite
electron-packager . "Naisone Trello Quick Add" --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.34.0 --overwrite
electron-packager dist "Naisone Trello Quick Add" --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.34.0 --overwrite
electron-packager . "Naisone Trello Quick Add" --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --version=0.34.0 --overwrite
The application has a quite good test coverage (it is very small though - one controller, one service). To run the tests enter karma start
or via gulp gulp test:auto
##Build Process
The Gulp process has been changed slightly to automatically build the electron executables into the executables
folder. The default task is now build-electron
(was build
). Internally the build-electron task performs some gulp-shell commands after the build to package the electron app and directly start the Mac application (needs to be changed when working on a Win machine!)
run gulp
which builds the dist
folder and packages the executables in an Electron container as well
##How to make a gulp-angular
project ready for Electron
to have the Angular App electron-ready the package.json needs to some basice Electron specific information
{ "name": "NaisoneElectronTrelloTodo", "version": "0.0.0", "main": "electron-main.js", ...more stuff }
Info: the file can consists of far more definitions, like devDependencies, dependencies etc. -
additionally the start file for electron
needs to be defined
That's it!
##Lessons Learned
- When using $templateCache instead of raw HTML files, check if your URL's inside the $stateProvider have the format
instead of./app.todo.todo.html
. While serving your src it will work regardless of the format. But bundling the HTMl files into the $templateCache (which happens due togulp build
) the URL's are breaking. - UPDATE: included gulp-shell as I couldn't get it to work. The
gulp build
task already builds the electron app, due to a hint by https://github.com/robrich/gulp-exec. Which recommends not using a further plugin but using child_process. See build.js for more details.
- the file size is very big for Mac OS X (108 MB). I am wondering if Slack uses some compression algorithm (the Slack app has only 6 MB on Mac). See https://discuss.atom.io/t/electron-distribution-filesize/19143 for details.
- add bard.js as test helper
- add more unit tests
- add e2e tests, currently it is just the standard generator-gulp-angular e2e test
- make shortcut for opening quick add window configurable via settings inside the app
- windows build does not work with setting an app icon, Mac is working
- further TODOS inside src code
- Gulp task zip does not work as expected: the output zip file is too small