MicroPython and CircuitPython examples showing how to use the MQTT protocol with the Adafruit IO cloud service. The example code shows how a Heap statistic (free heap size in bytes) can be used with MQTT at Adafruit IO. This heap statistic provides a convenient means to show the MQTT capabilities. The implementation can be changed to use MQTT Publish/Subscribe with sensor data or any other data.
Three example code files:
- Publish the free heap statistics to Adafruit IO
- Subscribe to the free heap statistics from Adafruit IO
- Publish and Subscribe in the same program
- example code tested with 3 boards
- Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266
- Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP32
- WeMos D1 Mini
- Create an Adafruit IO account at Adafruit IO and sign in
- Gather the following Adafruit IO information
- AIO Key (select "View AIO Key" in Adafruit IO)
- Adafruit UserName (shown on the same page as the AIO Key)
- Install the UMQTT Package (if needed) See section below Installing UMQTT Package
- Configure parameters in file publishAdafruit.py"
- Copy the file publishAdafruit.py to your device, using ampy, rshell, webrepl
$ ampy -pCOMx -d1 put publishAdafruit.py main.py
- Reset the board
- Navigate to Adafruit IO to see if a new feed has been created called "freeHeap"
- In the example code freeHeap data is published every 10s
- Make a dashboard to better visualize the free space on the heap
- Install the UMQTT Package (if needed) See section below Installing UMQTT Package
- Configure parameters in file subscribeAdafruit.py"
- Copy the file subscribeAdafruit.py to your device, using ampy, rshell, webrepl
$ ampy -pCOMx -d1 put subscribeAdafruit.py main.py
- Configure a 2nd device to publish the freeHeap data (see above)
- Reset the board
- Connect to the REPL with Putty (or simlar) to observe subscribed feed data being received (every 10s in the example code)
The file pubAndSub.py shows how a single device can both publish and subscribe. The method of Subscribing changes in this example. The non-blocking call client.check_msg() is used rather than the blocking call client.wait_msg(). The debug print output shows the subscription receiving the published data.
- CircuitPython 3.0.0 will continually reset if a secure data connection is enabled
- MicroPython 1.9.3
- MicroPython 1.9.4
- MicroPython 1.10
- CircuitPython 2.3.1
- CircuitPython 3.0.0
- Adafruit Ampy to copy files to the filesystem
- install version 1.0.3 or newer which has the -d option (use -d1 to avoid USB connection issues in Windows)
- Putty to interact with the REPL
- set Serial speed to 115200 and Flow control to None
The example code requires the MicroPython MQTT (UMQTT) Package. Some firmware releases have this package built-in, others don't.
Firmware Release | umqtt built-in? | GitHub Library |
MicroPython 1.9.3 for ESP8266 | Yes | n/a |
MicroPython 1.9.4 for ESP8266 | Yes | n/a |
MicroPython 1.10 for ESP8266 | Yes | n/a |
MicroPython 1.9.4 for ESP32 | No | Micropython lib |
MicroPython 1.10 for ESP32 | Yes | n/a |
CircuitPython 2.3.1 for ESP8266 | No | CircuitPython lib |
CircuitPython 3.0.0 for ESP8266 | No | CircuitPython lib |
- Navigate to the GitHub library indicated in the table
- Select the "Clone or download" button
- Select "Download ZIP"
- Extract the ZIP. Should see folder called "micropython-lib-master"
- Two files need to be copied to the MicroPython filesystem
- micropython-lib-master\umqtt.robust\umqtt\simple.py
- micropython-lib-master\umqtt.robust\umqtt\robust.py
Copy these two files to the MicroPython filesystem with the directory structure shown below.
Example with Ampy:
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 ls
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 mkdir lib
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 mkdir lib/umqtt
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 put simple.py lib/umqtt/simple.py
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 put robust.py lib/umqtt/robust.py
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 ls
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 ls lib
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 ls lib/umqtt
From the REPL (using Putty, etc) execute the following commands and observe similar output
>>> from umqtt.robust import MQTTClient
>>> dir(MQTTClient)
['reconnect', 'log', 'publish', '__module__', 'wait_msg', 'delay', '__qualname__', 'DELAY', 'DEBUG']
If you see this result you have successfully installed the umqtt package. π π