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Repository files navigation


This is a simple ZF2 module that optimize your "On-page" SEO based on a Zend\Navigation\Navigation instance.


The module use by default the DefaultNavigationFactory of Zend\Navigation but you can use your own Navigation.

To do this, add the navigation key in the configuration, and specify your classname.

Also, MiklSeo use strategies to optimize your html for search engine.

MiklSeo\config\module.config.php :

return array(
    'miklSeo' => array(
        'strategies' => array(
            'title' => array(
                'placement' => 'prepend'
            'meta' => array(),
    'service_manager' => array(
        'factories' => array(
            'MiklSeoNavigation' => 'Zend\Navigation\Service\DefaultNavigationFactory', // feel free to change the factory

Define strategies in module.config.php under strategies key :

  • key : string, Strategy classname
  • value : array, Parameters

By default, 2 strategies are available:

Title :

Title strategy add title tag of your current html page if active page is found. prepend or append to the root title by specify placement key parameter.

return array(
	'miklSeo' => array(	 		
		'strategies' => array(	
			'title' => array(
				//'tag'             => 'myCustomTag',
				//'placement'       => 'appendOrPrepend',
				//'ignoreTag'       => 'ignoreSeoTag'

Default parameters:

  • tag : title
  • placement : null
  • ignoreTag : ignoreTitleSeo

ignoreTag ignore strategy on the current node

Meta :

Meta strategy add meta tag of your current html page if active page is found.

return array(
    'miklSeo' => array(	 		
    	'strategies' => array(
	    	'meta' => array(
	    		//'tag'             => 'myCustomTag',
				//'ignoreTag'       => 'ignoreSeoTag'			

Default parameters:

  • tag : meta
  • ignoreTag : noMetaSeo

ignoreTag bypass strategy on the current node.

Exemple :

From xml navigation file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            		<description>i am the description</description>
            		<keywords>my, keywords, list</keywords>
                      	<label>create a disk list</label>
                      	<title>create a disk list/title>
                      		<description>another description.</description>
                      		<keywords>another,keywords, here</keywords>                

Form this module.config.php file:

return array(
    'miklSeo' => array(
        'strategies' => array(
            'title' => array(
                'placement' => 'prepend'
            'meta' => array(),
    'service_manager' => array(
        'factories' => array(
            'MiklSeoNavigation' => 'Zend\Navigation\Service\DefaultNavigationFactory', // feel free to change the factory

Result :

( Title have already defined before and value is : My Beauty Website )

In home page :

<title>My Beauty Website</title>
	<description>i am the description</description>
    <keywords>my, keywords, list</keywords>

In create page:

<title>create a disk list - My Beauty Website</title>
	<description>another description.</description>
    <keywords>another,keywords, here</keywords>

Add your custom strategies :

You can create your custom seo strategy and add it in module.config.php To add a custom strategy your class must implement MiklSeo\Strategy\StrategyInterface

interface StrategyInterface{

	public function run();

You can also herit MiklSeo\Strategy\AbstractStrategy to use default comportement:

public function setTag($tag);
public function getTag();	
public function setIgnoreTag($ignoreTag);
public function getIgnoreTag();

And add it in module.config.php file, under strategy_plugins key :

return array(
    'miklSeo' => array(
        'strategies' => array(
            'title' => array(
                'placement' => 'prepend'
            'meta' => array(),
		 'strategy_plugins' => array(
			'My\Custom\Strategy\Implement\StrategyInterface' => array(
    'service_manager' => array(
        'factories' => array(
            'MiklSeoNavigation' => 'Zend\Navigation\Service\DefaultNavigationFactory', // feel free to change the factory


Simple ZF2 module to manage your basic "on-page" Seo






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