This adds Mumble Link integration to allow proximity based voice chat.
You can download prebuilt exes here. If you own Barony on Steam: Right click it > Manage > Browse local files, put barony-steam-mumble.exe in that folder and run it. If you own Barony on another platform: Find your Barony.exe, put barony-nodrm-mumble.exe in the same folder and run it.
Open Mumble and go to Configure > Settings > Plugins, check "Link to Game and Transmit Position" and "Link".
I can see that the Mumble Link connection works as expected via Positional Audio Viewer, but I haven't tested with another person and therefore can't be certain the coordinate system is correctly aligned.
I don't own the Steam version and therefore can't confirm anything about it other than the fact that the exe builds without error. Note that I have disabled Epic Games Launcher crossplay on this build.
The Epic Games Launcher version is not included in the release builds due to a more involved API proccess.
Join the official Barony Discord server and view the pinned messages in opensource-chat, as well as surrounding content, for an up to date build guide.