This workflow can be used for calculation of capillary pressure curves, relative permeability and the percolation pathway of grain packs/image slices
Workflow created by Abhishek Bihani and Javier E. Santos
Collaborators: Christopher Landry, Hugh Daigle and Masa Prodanovic
The Palabos library makes the engine flexible enought to be run on a single core of a personal laptop or in hundreds of nodes in a supercomputer.
- Matlab or Octave (Python alternative coming soon)
- Unix system (the Windows bash or the terminal in Mac)
- Pre-processing (MATLAB):
- To create the .dat file geometry for Palabos,
- If the geometry is a matrix in MATLAB, use createLBM_MAT2DAT.m
- If the geometry is an image sequence, use createDAT.m
Both codes add 2 blank slices at beginning and end of geometry in YZ plane, (optional) adds a unit mesh slice 3rd from outlet
- 2-Phase LBM Simulation (PALABOS):
- Update geometry and simulation parameters in input xml file
- Modify the Makefile to point out to the directory where Palabos is saved and make
- Run 2-phase LBM simulation file ShanChen.cpp in bash to simulate capillary drainage
- Post-processing (MATLAB):
- Read the generated vtk files using read_save_fluids.m
(It will calculate the wetting saturation for all vtk files, will convert the fluid configurations (1 and 2) to .dat files for 1-phase LBM simulation and will find the vtk file where breakthrough occurs and the percolation path/tortuosity. You can choose if you want to generate fluid geometries or calculate percolation path at breakthrough)
- 1-Phase LBM Simulation (PALABOS):
- Update geometry and simulation parameters in input xml file
- Modify the Makefile to point out to the directory where Palabos is saved and make
- Make/Run 1-phase LBM simulation file permeability.cpp in bash to calculate absolute and relative permeabilities of the flow from fluid geometries
Optional: Run porethroat_dist.m to calculate pore and throat size distribution of geometry from vtk file created during 2-phase LBM simulation
- Young's equation
- Young-Laplace
- Washburn
Segmentation error: Image dimensions are not correct.
Image is loaded properly but it doesn't look right: This is likely because Palabos engine switches the X and Z coordinates
SCons compilation error: create a conda enviroment with python2 (Palabos needs it):
conda create --name py2 python=2.7
Why am I seeing the same line printed multiple times? / Why is the code so slow?: Probably MPI is not installed in your system, this could be solved by:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install gfortran
cd /tmp
tar xzvf mpich2-1.4.1.tar.gz
cd mpich2-1.4.1/
sudo make install
If you use our workflow, please cite as:
Santos J., Bihani A., Landry C., Multi-Phase Porous Media for Palabos. Git code (2019).
1 Urtec
3 NeuralNets
4 a couple under review
- Geometry creation and permeability code modified from Degruyter et al. -
- Skeletonization code modified from Kollmannsberger Philip-
- Dijkstra's algorithm code modified from Kirk Joseph-
We welcome contributions