For configuration details for The Graph Network and the testnet, see the Mainnet and Testnet Configuration docs.
An overview of Scalar, a microtransaction framework for query fees, can be found here.
The indexer service, agent and CLI can be installed as NPM packages, using
npm install -g @graphprotocol/indexer-service
npm install -g @graphprotocol/indexer-agent
# Indexer CLI is a plugin for Graph CLI, so both need to be installed:
npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
npm install -g @graphprotocol/indexer-cli
After that, they can be run with the following commands:
# Indexer service
graph-indexer-service start ...
# Indexer agent
graph-indexer-agent start ...
# Indexer CLI
graph indexer ...
$ graph-indexer-service start --help
Start the service
--ethereum Ethereum node or provider URL [string] [required]
--ethereum-network Ethereum network [string] [default: "mainnet"]
--ethereum-polling-interval Polling interval for the Ethereum provider (ms)
[number] [default: 4000]
--mnemonic Mnemonic for the operator wallet
[string] [required]
--indexer-address Ethereum address of the indexer
[string] [required]
Indexer Infrastructure
--port Port to serve queries at[number] [default: 7600]
--metrics-port Port to serve Prometheus metrics at
[number] [default: 7300]
--graph-node-query-endpoint Graph Node endpoint to forward queries to
[string] [required]
--graph-node-status-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for indexing statuses etc.
[string] [required]
--log-level Log level [string] [default: "debug"]
--postgres-host Postgres host [string] [required]
--postgres-port Postgres port [number] [default: 5432]
--postgres-username Postgres username [string] [default: "postgres"]
--postgres-password Postgres password [string] [default: ""]
--postgres-database Postgres database name [string] [required]
Network Subgraph
--network-subgraph-endpoint Endpoint to query the network subgraph from
[string] [required]
--vector-node URL of a vector node [string] [required]
--vector-router Public identifier of the vector router
[string] [required]
--vector-transfer-definition Address of the Graph transfer definition
contract [string] [default: "auto"]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--gcloud-profiling Whether to enable Google Cloud profiling
[boolean] [default: false]
--free-query-auth-token Auth token that clients can use to query for free
$ graph-indexer-agent start --help
Start the agent
--ethereum Ethereum node or provider URL [string] [required]
--ethereum-network Ethereum network [string] [default: "mainnet"]
--ethereum-polling-interval Polling interval for the Ethereum provider (ms)
[number] [default: 4000]
--gas-increase-timeout Time (in seconds) after which transactions will
be resubmitted with a higher gas price
[number] [default: 240]
--gas-increase-factor Factor by which gas prices are increased when
resubmitting transactions [number] [default: 1.2]
--gas-price-max The maximum gas price (gwei) to use for
transactions [number] [default: 2000000000]
--transaction-attempts The maximum number of transaction attempts
[number] [default: 5]
--mnemonic Mnemonic for the operator wallet
[string] [required]
--indexer-address Ethereum address of the indexer
[string] [required]
Indexer Infrastructure
--graph-node-query-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for querying subgraphs
[string] [required]
--graph-node-status-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for indexing statuses etc.
[string] [required]
--graph-node-admin-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for applying and updating
subgraph deployments [string] [required]
--public-indexer-url Indexer endpoint for receiving requests from the
network [string] [required]
--indexer-geo-coordinates Coordinates describing the Indexer's location
using latitude and longitude
[array] [default: ["31.780715","-41.179504"]]
--index-node-ids Node IDs of Graph nodes to use for indexing
(separated by commas) [array] [required]
--indexer-management-port Port to serve the indexer management API at
[number] [default: 8000]
--metrics-port Port to serve Prometheus metrics at [number]
--restake-rewards Restake claimed indexer rewards, if set to
'false' rewards will be returned to the wallet
[boolean] [default: true]
--allocation-claim-threshold Minimum query fees collected (GRT) on an
allocation for it to be claimed
[number] [default: 0]
--log-level Log level [string] [default: "debug"]
Network Subgraph
--network-subgraph-deployment Network subgraph deployment [string]
--network-subgraph-endpoint Endpoint to query the network subgraph from
--default-allocation-amount Default amount of GRT to allocate to a subgraph
deployment [string] [default: "0.01"]
--register Whether to register the indexer on chain
[boolean] [default: true]
Cost Models
--inject-dai Inject the GRT to DAI/USDC conversion rate into cost model
variables [boolean] [default: true]
--postgres-host Postgres host [string] [required]
--postgres-port Postgres port [number] [default: 5432]
--postgres-username Postgres username [string] [default: "postgres"]
--postgres-password Postgres password [string] [default: ""]
--postgres-database Postgres database name [string] [required]
--poi-disputable-epochs The number of epochs in the past to look for
potential POI disputes [number] [default: 1]
--poi-dispute-monitoring Monitor the network for potential POI disputes
[boolean] [default: true]
--vector-node URL of a vector node [string] [required]
--vector-router Public identifier of the vector router
[string] [required]
--vector-transfer-definition Address of the Graph transfer definition
contract [string] [default: "auto"]
--vector-event-server External URL of the vector event server of the
agent [string] [required]
--vector-event-server-port Port to serve the vector event server at
[number] [default: 8001]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--dai-contract Address of the DAI or USDC contract to use for the
--inject-dai conversion rate
[string] [default: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"]
--offchain-subgraphs Subgraphs to index that are not on chain
(comma-separated) [array] [default: []]
Since indexer CLI is a plugin for @graphprotocol/graph-cli
, it is invoked
simply by running graph indexer
$ graph --help
indexer status Check the status of an indexer
indexer rules Configure indexing rules
indexer rules stop (never) Never index a deployment (and stop indexing it if necessary)
indexer rules start (always) Always index a deployment (and start indexing it if necessary)
indexer rules set Set one or more indexing rules
indexer rules maybe Index a deployment based on rules
indexer rules get Get one or more indexing rules
indexer rules delete Remove one or many indexing rules
indexer rules clear (reset) Clear one or more indexing rules
indexer disputes POI monitoring
indexer disputes get Cross-check POIs submitted in the network
indexer cost Manage costing for subgraphs
indexer cost set variables Update cost model variables
indexer cost set model Update a cost model
indexer cost get Get cost models and/or variables for one or all subgraphs
indexer connect Connect to indexer management API
indexer Manage indexer configuration
Run the following at the root of this repository to install dependencies and build the packages:
After this, the indexer service and agent can be run with:
# Indexer service
cd packages/indexer-service
./bin/graph-indexer-service start ...
# Indexer agent
cd packages/indexer-service
./bin/graph-indexer-service start ...
The easiest way to run the indexer service agent is by using Docker. Docker images can either be pulled via
docker pull
docker pull
or built locally with
# Indexer service
docker build \
-f Dockerfile.indexer-service \
-t indexer-service:latest \
# Indexer agent
docker build \
-f Dockerfile.indexer-agent \
-t indexer-agent:latest \
After this, the indexer agent and service can be run as follows:
Indexer service:
docker run -p 7600:7600 -it indexer-service:latest ...
After this, the indexer service should be up and running at http://localhost:7600/.
Indexer Agent
docker run -p 18000:8000 -it indexer-agent:latest ...
This starts the indexer agent and serves the so-called indexer management API on the host at port 18000.
The terraform/ and k8s/ directories provide a complete example setup for running an indexer on the Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This setup was also used as the reference setup in the Mission Control testnet and can be a good starting point for those looking to run the indexer in a virtualized environment.
Check out the terraform README for details on how to get started.
This repository is managed using Lerna and Yarn workspaces.
chan is used to maintain the following changelogs:
Creating a new release involves the following steps:
Update all changelogs:
pushd packages/indexer-service chan added ... chan fixed ... chan changed ... popd pushd packages/indexer-agent ... popd pushd packages/indexer-cli ... popd pushd packages/indexer-common ... popd
Publish the release. This includes committing the changelogs, tagging the new version and publishing packages on
yarn release <version>
Copyright © 2020-2021 The Graph Foundation
Licensed under the MIT license.