1. Project Introduction
2. Hadoop-Cluster-Docker image Introduction
3. Steps to build a Hadoop Cluster
4. Clean up existed containers
##1. Project Introduction
The objective of this project is to help Hadoop developer to quickly build an Hadoop cluster on multiple Docker hosts. This is achieved by using Docker, Swarm and Weave(https://github.com/weaveworks/weave)
My project is based on kiwenlau/hadoop-cluster-docker project, however, I've reconstructed it for multiple Docker hosts.
##2. Hadoop-Cluster-Docker image Introduction
In this project, I developed 3 docker images: hadoop-base, hadoop-master and hadoop-slave.
Based on ubuntu:14.4, openjdk, openssh-server, vim and Hadoop 2.6.4 are installed.
Based on hadoop-base. Configure the Hadoop master node.
Based on hadoop-base. Configure the Hadoop slave node.
##3. steps to build a Hadoop cluster Following needs to be performed on each Docker host
#####a. clone source code
git clone https://github.com/ming-wu/hadoop-cluster-docker
####b. configure Docker engine to listen on tcp port 2375 reference
vim /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
####c. install Weave
sudo curl -L git.io/weave -o /usr/local/bin/weave
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/weave
for Weave master node
weave launch-router
weave launch-plugin
weave launch-proxy -H tcp://
for Weave peer node
weave launch-router $master_node_ip
weave launch-plugin
weave launch-proxy -H tcp://
####d. install Swarm cluster reference assume three Docker hosts: ny3-01, ny3-02 and ny3-03
-- start consul manager1 (ny3-01)
docker run -d -p 8500:8500 --name=consul progrium/consul -server -bootstrap
docker run -d -p 4000:4000 --name=swarm_manager0 swarm manage -H :4000 --replication --advertise $(ny3-01-ip):4000 consul://$(ny3-01-ip):8500
-- start manager2 (ny3-02)
docker run -d swarm manage -H :4000 --replication --advertise $(ny3-02-ip):4000 consul://$(ny3-01-ip):8500
-- start nodes (ny3-01 ny3-02 ny3-03)
docker run -d --name swarm_node1 swarm join --advertise=$(ny3-01-ip):12375 consul://$(ny3-01-ip):8500
docker run -d --name swarm_node2 swarm join --advertise=$(ny3-02-ip):12375 consul://$(ny3-01-ip):8500
docker run -d --name swarm_node3 swarm join --advertise=$(ny3-03-ip):12375 consul://$(ny3-01-ip):8500
verify docker swarm manager, all nodes should be healthy
docker -H :4000 info
####e. Start hadoop cluster, run this on ny03-01, the host where swarm manager0 is on
docker -H :4000 run -d -t -P --name master -w /root comp689/hadoop-master:1.0.0
sleep 5
docker -H :4000 run -d -t -P --name slave1 -e JOIN_IP=$(weave status dns | grep '^master\s' |awk '{print $2}') comp689/hadoop-slave:1.0.0
sleep 5
docker -H :4000 run -d -t -P --name slave2 -e JOIN_IP=$(weave status dns | grep '^master\s' |awk '{print $2}') comp689/hadoop-slave:1.0.0
####f. enter hadoop master container and start hadoop cluster
docker -H :4000 exec -it master bash
####g. run map reduce job
docker -H :4000 exec -it master bash
##4. clean up existed containers
docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker --rm martin/docker-cleanup-volumes